Part 4

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'Though I try to hang in there'

Finally he got to work, panting heavily, sweat dripping down his face.

"Wonwoo, you're fucking late. We're busy! You can't be fucking late." One of his coworkers swore, throwing a notepad towards Wonwoo.

"Shit I'm sorry. I'll get right on it, anyone got a pen?" Wonwoo asked, but with no response so he searched around the bar to find a pen. Sniffling, he got to work.

"Can I have a brownie please?" A customer asked, and Wonwoo wrote it down, nodding.

"Is that everything?" Wonwoo asked, smiling before heading to put it on the tab.

The food was ready and prepared and he began to take the deserts out. He was about to leave when the customer who ordered the brownie lifted her hand.

"Sorry, but I can't have brownie, I'm actually allergic to gluten. I really can't have this, can you take it back and put a complaint on my tab." The customer announced, Wonwoo nodded with a wince and took the plate of brownie.

"Would you like a gluten free brownie? We can change it." Wonwoo questioned but the customer shook her head, not wanting any of it at all. Wasting product and the kitchen's time.

"Wonwoo what is wrong with it?" The manager called out, making Wonwoo want to implode.

"She's gluten free and ordered the brownie. She doesn't want the gluten free brownie." Wonwoo replied and the manager sighed leaning against the bar. 

"Fucking hell, Wonwoo. If this happens again, you're gone." The manager spat, letting Wonwoo take the plate of brownie away.

Once he had finally finished, Wonwoo yawned and walked home the long way. Wanting everything to avoid the weirdo he had encountered earlier.

He got home in an instance, and jumped through the window. Trying to be as quiet as possible just in case Chan was asleep.

Noticing the headphones on his brother's ears, Wonwoo moaned.

He could hear the loud shouts coming from downstairs. Both parents accused each other of cheating.

Soon enough the shouting stopped and Wonwoo grew concerned, usually his parents would carry on until midnight, or till dawn.

Walking downstairs, he silently inspected the scene seeing glass again surrounding the floor.

She must've found some money to get more ornaments to chuck at her husband.

He steps down and tries to look into the living room but his foot stepped on a piece of glass, hearing it crunch under his feet.

His mother looked towards the door and saw Wonwoo looking into the room.

"Oh look, it's my son Wonwoo." His mother announced, pulling Wonwoo into the room and making him sit on the couch behind her as she stood.

"Shut up, he's my son too. I love him more than you ever could you sad bitch." His father spat, his face red with anger, pointing a finger at Wonwoo's mum.

"That's a lie you bastard. You're never here, I love him more because I see him everyday. Don't I Wonwoo?" His mother questioned, looking back at him whilst tears finally fled his eyes and fell down his face.

"Look at him, he's fucking miserable being near your mental ass." His father spat, stepping forward with his arm out to get Wonwoo away from his wife.

Wonwoo kept his arms on his lap and he hugged himself, tears running down his neck continuously as he listened fully to his parents fight.

"I'm not mental you sack of shit. At least he gets food, money and love from me. You can't give him anything, and I bet you forgot about your other son." His mother sneered, slapping her husband around the face making Wonwoo jolt hearing the sharp slap.

"I do know I have two sons, do you even know our youngest son's name? I bet you don't." His father mocked, a smug grin on his face as his wife began to tear up.

"Why don't we bring him down, maybe he can say who he loves most." His mother announced, about to head upstairs to get Chan.

"Don't you fucking dare. He's asleep, he's a young child you do not need to fuck him up." Wonwoo spat, getting up from his seat on the chair and pulling his mother gently back into the living room.

"Don't be disrespectful Wonwoo, I gave birth to you!" His mother screamed, about to lift a hand to hit him but her husband grabbed her and kept her from hitting him.

Crying silently, Wonwoo ran up to his room and locked the door. He had enough with his shitty parents.

He couldn't stay here anymore, he needed more money so one day he could get Chan and go. Leave so he didn't have to stay here another day.

He dried his tears and stood over Chan, stroking his cheek before putting a soft kiss to his head.

He got ready for bed and got in the cold, thin sheets.

Tears flooded his eyes before he turned and finally they fell down his face and onto his pillow.

He had too much of that day, he wanted to get out of this miserable nightmare.

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