Part 8

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'Hold my hand tight, should we run away?'

After not seeing Mingyu over the weekend, Wonwoo got to school early, waiting at the front of the school for Mingyu.

He didn't wait long because soon enough Mingyu was by his side, the same smile plastered on his face, the one Wonwoo loved to see, it made him want to smile.

Mingyu had a grin on his face and he pulled Wonwoo closer to him so he could interlock hands with him.

Their hands are connected and they walk through the corridor.

"Hey Mingyu!" A voice called out, catching the man's attention. Whipping his head up from Wonwoo, he saw his friends in front of him.

"Seokmin!" Mingyu laughed, pulling Wonwoo along with him to his friends. Wonwoo pouted internally to himself, reminding himself that Mingyu had his own friends.

It made Wonwoo feel bad that he took up all of Mingyu's attention, meaning that Mingyu never saw his friends.

But then again it made him feel possessive over Mingyu.

Mingyu was his only friend now that Jun was ignoring him and he didn't want to lose another friend, especially one that cared about him more than he could ever care about himself.

"How are you Mingyu, it feels like forever since I've seen you." Seokmin chuckled, glancing at Wonwoo who was standing beside Mingyu awkwardly.

He grimaced and looked at Minghao who was also silently judging Wonwoo.

"I'm good, I've just been with Wonwoo, you should join us at lunch. I'm sure Wonwoo doesn't mind." Mingyu offered and Seokmin nodded, watching as Mingyu asked Wonwoo what he thought.

"I don't mind Mingyu, it's your decision." He answered, he didn't want to affect the relationship between Mingyu and his friends, maybe they could become his own friends in the process.

But by the way that Jihoon glared at him, he didn't think that would be happening anytime soon.

"Oh Wonwoo is going to be there?" Seungkwan asked, making a disgusted face, glancing at Seokmin who tried to not laugh.

"Yeah of course." Mingyu laughed along, not really knowing why they were laughing, he just wanted to laugh too.

"Anyways, Wonwoo are you busy tonight, I want to hang out again?" Mingyu asked, putting his whole attention on Wonwoo who looked back up with a blush.

"I can't, I'm working tonight, sadly." Wonwoo replied, he felt himself curse loudly in his head, that's another great night ruined.

"Aw okay." Mingyu pouted, but then continued to smile, Wonwoo feeling relieved that his sadness wasn't long lived.

At lunch, Mingyu pulled Wonwoo with him to the canteen and had him sit down in his normal seat. Whilst he went to get Wonwoo lunch.

Seokmin, Minghao, Jihoon and Seungkwan sat down in front of him, laughing at something before they faced Wonwoo who sat down, patting his legs as he felt the tension rise.

"Where's Mingyu?" Minghao asked, his tone laced with venom, making Wonwoo jolt with the hostile voice.

"He's in the lunch line." Wonwoo shakingly pointed, turning and hoping that he wouldn't be any longer.

Wonwoo felt like he was the odd one out, that he shouldn't be there. And the presence of Mingyu's friends made him feel even more out of place.

"Here you go." Mingyu patted Wonwoo's head as he placed the usual tray in front of him.

In confusion the four watched as Wonwoo took the tray and began eating the food that was placed on the tray and stared skeptically.

They all glanced at each other and Seokmin rolled his eyes, turning to Mingyu who watched Wonwoo eating a pleasant smile on his face.

Mingyu soon took Wonwoo's hand in his, trying hard to eat his food with his right hand.

"So who have you guys been, anything good happening?" Mingyu asked, making conversation in awkward silence.

"Not really, we just thought we'd go shopping soon, you want to come?" Seungkwan announced, nodding along when his friends did.

"Oh cool, maybe. It'll depend on what day it is and what I'm doing, ha." Mingyu answered, taking a bite of his own food.

"Would you want to come?" He asked Wonwoo, but the other quickly shook his head.

"I'll pay for you." Mingyu offered but Wonwoo was still quick to shake his head.

"I told you to stop paying for me." Wonwoo muttered, feeling small under the sharp glares that he was being given by the four sitting in front of him.

"Never." Mingyu laughed, kissing Wonwoo's cheek, the action causing Wonwoo to blush, feeling himself sweat once again.

He turned his head away and looked down as he ate, but he could still feel the sharp eyes looking down on him.

He finally looked up and was met with the sharp gaze of Minghao.

Shivering slightly he moved closer to Mingyu wanting to be in his arms, he wanted them to leave so he didn't have to feel so uncomfortable.

But it was for Mingyu and he didn't want to upset him by not getting along with his friends.

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