Part 19

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'Run away babe give me an answer'

Wonwoo was stuck at work, he had been there since eleven in the morning and it was almost 5pm.

His brother was at a weekend club whilst he worked just so he didn't have to stay in that miserable house.

"Here's your change. Thank you for coming." Wonwoo nodded, handing over the cash before closing the till.

"Hey, when do you finish?" A new voice popped up, slightly scaring Wonwoo. He jumped up and looked at the face who stood in front of him.

"Mingyu! You scared me." Wonwoo breathed, holding his stomach as his heart raced slightly. "I finish at five, why?" Wonwoo asked, glancing around for any of his coworkers.

"I want you to come round mine tonight." Mingyu smiled, glancing at his watch. "Look at that, your shift had ended, let's go." Mingyu announced, pulling Wonwoo from behind the counter.

Shrieking Wonwoo followed Mingyu, glad he had already signed himself out at the start of the day.

"I need to pick up Chan. He's at some club." Wonwoo announced, pulling Mingyu the opposite way of where they were going.

"Does he always go to this club?" Mingyu asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "What even is it?" He continued, intertwining his hands with Wonwoo and swinging their arms around.

"It's an all day club, a religious one, but it's all we could find that's in the area." Wonwoo answered, getting closer to the small building.

They reached it instantly and they saw Chan waiting there with another young boy, a pout on his face as he continued to look around.

"Sorry we're late. Mingyu slowed me down." Wonwoo teased, getting Chan to laugh. Although it made him cringe, acting like nothing had happened, he didn't want to affect Chan's mood.

"Hey!" Mingyu groaned, pushing Wonwoo slightly. A pout formed on his face before he began laughing.

"Can I go to my friend's house?" Chan asked, making Wonwoo look up towards the mother who stared at him, waiting for his answer.

"Sure, what time should I pick him up?" Wonwoo asked the mother who smiled, patting her child's shoulders.

"7? Here's my address." She replied, handing over a small sheet of paper. "Is he allergic to anything?" The mother asked, and Wonwoo shook his head immediately.

"I'll see you later then. I'll pick you up at 7." Wonwoo told Chan, hugging him and kissing his head. He watched Chan leave hearing the mother say 'your father is nice'.

Did he really look old? Or was he just good at acting like a parent?

Sighing he turned to Mingyu who waved at Chan when he turned around, giving a wave before they turned the corner.

"Should we go to mine now, we've got a while before he needs picking up?" Mingyu asked, pulling Wonwoo towards him.

They got to Mingyu's house and Mingyu sneakily got Wonwoo through the house without any of his parents seeing.

Mingyu pulled Wonwoo to his bed and cuddled into him, his head resting on his shoulder, kissing Wonwoo's cheek.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo choked, he knew this was the time to finally confront him about it- how he hoped that Mingyu could prove that it was all a lie.

"Yeah?" Mingyu answered, lifting his head to inspect his boyfriend who was tearing up. Sitting up, he pulled Wonwoo up, looking confused.

"What's wrong?" He asked, running his hand across Wonwoo's cheek.

"Minghao, he showed me pictures of you sending messages to random girls. I wanted to know if they were real?" Wonwoo cried, tears falling down his face. He felt stupid for talking about it.

"Here, look through my phone. I promise that I've never cheated on you. They must've faked it." Mingyu frowned, handing over his phone, wiping Wonwoo's tears away.

Wonwoo looked through Mingyu's phone, trying to find the messages but there was none. There wasn't even any proof of the girl he was talking to even being an account.

Crying out, Wonwoo felt even more idiotic.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I even considered believing them." Wonwoo sniffled, he was brought into Mingyu's arms, and was held tightly against his boyfriend's body.

"It's fine, I understand that you may have thought that they were real. I'll speak to them because obviously they're making up rumours." Mingyu snapped, kissing Wonwoo's head.

"I'm sorry." Wonwoo said once more, hugging Mingyu tightly. Mingyu nodded and laid down with Wonwoo in his arms, and they cuddled together.

Once all the tears were dried and he wasn't sniffling, Mingyu placed his lips softly into Wonwoo's. Wonwoo leaned on his boyfriend. His arms around the others' neck.

Mingyu had his hand on Wonwoo's waist and pulled his body close to his. Their lips still interlocked. Mingyu, pulled away for a breath keeping his face close to Wonwoo's.

"I love you." Mingyu whispered, before placing his lips back on Wonwoo's. Pulling Wonwoo on top of him, but Wonwoo pulled him away.

"I love you too... but I've got to pick up Chan." Wonwoo grinned, pulling himself off of Mingyu.

Whining, Mingyu tried pulling Wonwoo back towards him, but his boyfriend easily slipped out of his hands and got his shoes on.

"See you later." Mingyu waved, watching as Wonwoo walked out, waving.

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