Part 26

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'I don't, I don't wanna wake up'

Morning woke and the same knocking came loudly from the front door. Wonwoo rushed down, thinking it was the police but it wasn't.

It was Mingyu, he stood there with a happy grin on his face.

"Guess who's moving in with me?" Mingyu cheered, but when he saw the glum look on Wonwoo's face, his happy smile faded, awkwardness filling his small smile.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, his face finally pulling into a frown,  pulling Wonwoo into his body for a hug.

After crushing his body he pressed a kiss to his lips and pecked his forehead.

"They found my mum dead." Wonwoo announced, his words muffled by Mingyu's tight hug that had him stuck without any air.

"What?!" Mingyu shrieked, his arms dropping to Wonwoo's hands.

"Yeah, the police came at like midnight last night." Wonwoo added, now leading Mingyu up to his room where Chan was still asleep.

"Don't worry babe, okay. We'll be out of here and you won't have to remember her anymore." Mingyu nodded, pressing his lips to Wonwoo's.

He reciprocated the kiss and melted into the others embrace.

"Let me get Chan up and I'll start packing." Wonwoo announced, parting from Mingyu and returning to his room.

"Chan, wake up. You need to get ready for school. I'll pick you up after school, yeah?" Wonwoo mumbled, running his hands through his brother's puffed up bed head.

Chan got up, squinting his focus around the room before he  began to get ready for school, watching confused as Wonwoo packed up his clothes into a bag.

"What are you doing?" Chan asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he got Mingyu to help him put his uniform jacket on.

"We're leaving, Mingyu has offered us a place to stay, so we'll go today." Wonwoo rambled, still chucking random things into bags.

"I'll just message my mum to bring the car, then we don't have to carry the bags all the way to mine." Mingyu interrupted, patting Chan's head and taking out his phone.

"Are we staying there forever?" Chan asked Mingyu, his head tilted towards the giant.

"Yes." Mingyu smiled, grabbing a bag and helping with packing Chan's clothes.

"Maybe." Wonwoo glared, he didn't want Chan getting false hope that they would be there forever, he can't predict the future.

Here he was thinking he would live here forever but obviously not.

Three knocks sounded on the door and Wonwoo abruptly stopped packing.

"Stay in here, I'll answer it." He rushed out before running out of the door. Swinging the door open the police stood in front of him.

"We'd like to look around your house, we have a warrant. Is there anyone else in the house?" The police officer asked, his deep, gravely voice making Wonwoo feel intimidated.

"The only people in here are me, my brother and my boyfriend, they're in my room." Wonwoo explained, letting the couple of officers in and letting them wander around.

"If you need me I'll be upstairs." Wonwoo told them before rushing back upstairs.

"Who was it?" Mingyu asked, staring as Wonwoo took a deep breath, closing his eyes in relief.

"Police, they have a warrant to look around." Wonwoo whispered to Mingyu. Nodding along, Mingyu cringed and hurried in with the packing.

"Are you ready?" Wonwoo asked his brother, who had his bag on his shoulder, ready for school.

"Here's some money, go to the shop and I'll pick you up after school so don't walk here." Wonwoo told him and led his brother down the stairs.

"Have a nice day." Wonwoo told him, kissing his brother on the head and watching as he walked out.

A car pulling up, seeing a familiar face, the woman smiled and waved through the window.

Nodding his head towards her, he strolled to his room.

"Your mums here, take the packed bags and I'll do the rest." Wonwoo declared, carefully placing his clothes and Chan's shoes in a bag.

Once they were finally finished they had gotten all the bags in the car.

"We'll continue the investigation, are you guys not coming back here?" The police officer asked, watching as Mingyu got into the car with a couple of bags.

"Never, the house is under my dad's name, he can pay for it. You can look through it all you like, if you need me just contact this number." Wonwoo told them, before getting in the car, they drove to Mingyu's.

"Wonwoo, I've set up a room for your brother, follow me." Mingyu's mother announced, gesturing for Wonwoo to follow her.

She led him into a decent sized room that had a double bed in the middle.

"It's lovely, thank you." Wonwoo nodded, smiling before he started to unpack all of Chan's clothes and toys around the room .

He walked out to Mingyu's room and put all of his things in there. Mingyu stayed on the bed, waiting for Wonwoo to join him on the bed.

"You know we're still going to school." Wonwoo announced, making Mingyu cry out.

"Why?" He whined, rolling along the bed.

"Because I'm ready to go to school, so we should go." Wonwoo laughed, pulling Mingyu up by the arm.

"Fine." Mingyu grumbled, getting up and placing a kiss on Wonwoo's cheek.

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