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Final One I Really Hoped You Enjoyed!!!

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Final One I Really Hoped You Enjoyed!!!

'Be my forever'

"Hey Wonwoo! I've been officially hired!" Mingyu exclaimed, running into the bedroom with an envelope in his hand.

He ran over to the bed and squashed his sleeping boyfriend.

"Wonwoo. Wonwoo. Wonwoo. Wake up." Mingyu repeated, poking Wonwoo's face, pressing kisses around his body, sucking hickies randomly to encourage his boyfriend to wake up.

Wonwoo woke up slowly, his eyes flickering open as he saw Mingyu kissing his shoulder.

"Wonwoo, baby. I got the job." Mingyu announced, his voice a lot more quiet and soft than before.

He pressed a kiss to Wonwoo's smiling lips and grinned, showing the slip of paper confirming his acceptance.

"So did I." Wonwoo replied, lazily reaching over to pull out his own envelope.

He had been interviewed for Choi's restaurant and got the job as a waiter, the owners were a nice couple and gladly interviewed Wonwoo.

"What! But I told you, you didn't need to get a job." Mingyu pouted, looking across the letter before seeing his salary.

"That's a lot of money, full time?" Mingyu asked, whistling at the price, his pout long gone as he read through the paper.

"Yeah, I'll go for assistant manager when I'm qualified enough." Wonwoo smiled, yanking the paper away from Mingyu and putting it back into his draw, feeling a slap on his ass.

Wonwoo had advanced quickly in his new job, he could be left alone in charge now. He was treated nicer than he was before, people actually listened to him.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Wonwoo asked, raising his head up before seeing two familiar faces.

"Table for two?" Mingyu asked, flicking his head to the side as he smiled, his hand on Chan's shoulder. The younger boy, leaning on the counter with a grin on his face.

"If you want to follow me, I'll show you a table." Wonwoo announced, leading them to an empty table, laughing as he led them to the closest table to him.

"What would you like to drink?" Wonwoo asked, taking out a notepad and pen, waiting patiently as Mingyu thought and gave Chan's order.

"You please." Mingyu finally answered, earning a slap by Wonwoo, shaking his head as he gave them cutlery for their food, and their drinks.

"Wait, can I have pop?" Chan asked, jumping in his seat as Mingyu nodded, patting his head. "Yes!" Chan giggled, lifting his hand to pump his fist out.

When he brought their food out, he stood away wondering why Mingyu was still staring at him.

"Do you need anything else?" Wonwoo asked, his eyebrows raising.

Mingyu grinned and tapped his cheek pouting when Wonwoo shook his head.

"Please, or I won't tip." Mingyu protested, and in a panic for those tips.

Wonwoo leaned down and kissed his cheek, giving Chan a sneaky kiss on his head as well, the eating boy grinning with food in his mouth.

"What are you five?" Wonwoo asked, covering his brother's mouth, shaking his head.

Wonwoo stood at the cash register and proceeded to wait for more customers, Mingyu and Chan were still eating.

Some new people came in and Wonwoo served them, wondering why he had recognised a certain voice in the mix of children.

Lifting his head, his eyes met his fathers, who had two little children in his hands.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he was going to say something. But his father only thanked him with a smile and went to their table that they reserved.

He must've not recognised him? His own son? Millions of thoughts surrounded Wonwoo's head.

The kids would call him dad- his dad that brought him up for a certain amount of time in his life.

How did he have kids in a short amount of time? He was so much nicer to them than he was to Wonwoo and Chan, the kids adored him.

Sighing, he quickly ended his shift and went to sit with Mingyu and Chan, being fed the food from Mingyu's plate that he offered generously.

At home, they attempted to help Chan with his homework but it failed when they got the answer sheet out.

"What did we put?" Wonwoo asked again, flicking his eyes back and forth to the sheet in his hand and the one in Chan's.

"17,000." Chan answered, ticking it as if it was right.

"It's right." Mingyu nodded, feeling proud of himself, so he rested back in his chair- his arms crossed over his chest, a smug smile on his face.

"The actual answer is 0." Wonwoo announced, bringing Mingyu back down from the clouds.

"What! How?" Mingyu cried, taking the answer paper off of Wonwoo.

"That's a bunch of rubbish. Why are you even learning this treachery?" Mingyu complained, glancing through Chan's book.

"Let's just watch a movie, I'm getting bored of this homework. I don't even go to school anymore." Wonwoo groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"Yes movie!" Chan cheered, getting up from his seat and running into the living room with Wonwoo trailing behind him.

"Oh, I'll guess I'll clean up." Mingyu sarcastically announced, putting all of Chan's sheets of paper away that were all wrong.

"Thank you!" Wonwoo shouted from the living room, Chan cuddling up to him on the couch.

"Don't start the movie without me!" Mingyu called, dropping himself down on the couch beside Wonwoo.

Wrapping his arm around Wonwoo's shoulders and giving him a kiss.

"I love you." He whispered into his ear, kissing his cheek as Wonwoo grinned.

"Leave me alone." Wonwoo groaned, smiling as he finally replied with his own 'love you'.

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