Part 41

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Only one more chapter left!!!

'Our dreams become reality'

"Mingyu! Expelled, for fighting. Again!" His mother shouted, holding up papers that had his exclusion written in ink, her arms were waving around as she seethed.

"And now Wonwoo is suspended. What happened?" She asked, her voice extremely high for the low tone she would usually have.

She chucked the papers on the dining table and ran a hand through her hair, a trait that every Kim seemed to hold.

"Why didn't you just report them? If they were giving you shit, then you should report and not fight. This isn't high school." She continued, sighing deeply before she took Wonwoo's face in her hands, looking at his bruising nose, running a thumb over it softly making Wonwoo flinch.

"Who did this?" She asked, running her thumbs across his cheeks as Wonwoo looked up at her, his eyes flickering over to Mingyu who hung his head in shame.

"I did, by accident." Mingyu admitted, his mum slapped his head harshly, making him shriek in surprise.

"Hey!" He groaned, hearing Wonwoo chuckle at him.

"Look I know I was wrong but I was only sticking up for Wonwoo. What they did was worse." Mingyu protested, taking the sheets of his exclusion and turning them into paper aeroplanes, who cared about school anyway, it was only filled with jerks and bitches.

"Yes but did you think about what Wonwoo wanted, or were you just marking your territory? Wonwoo would you like to report them?" His mother snapped, turning her attention back to Wonwoo as kissing his head with a smile on her face.

Wonwoo staring up with a smile. 

"It's fine, I just want to forget about it." Wonwoo claimed before he was swept off his seat by Mingyu, who had him in his arms bridal style, a pout crossed on his face.

"What's done is done and I want to sleep, let's go." Mingyu declared before walking steadily towards his room, eventually dropping Wonwoo to the floor so they could both walk into his room.

Launching into his bed, Mingyu buried his head into the pillow, groaning loudly before the bed dipped beside him lightly.

Wonwoo slipped under the covers and brought them up to his neck, closing his eyes for some peace that was interrupted.

Mingyu rolled over onto Wonwoo's body and cuddled into him, Wonwoo protesting when he felt Mingyu's heavy body squish him into the bed.

"Mingyu, get off me." Wonwoo complained, squirming around as he tried to get Mingyu to roll off of him.

"Ah, you're so annoying." Wonwoo grunted, letting the heavy weight of Mingyu stay on top of him.

Rolling onto his front, Mingyu grinned and rested his head in Wonwoo's now exposed neck, pressing little kisses.

"What are you going to do now that you don't go to school?" Wonwoo asked, running his hands through Mingyu's hair, feeling the other smile into his neck.

"I'll just get a job." Mingyu murmured, his voice muffled.

"I was already looking not long ago and I found some good ones that pay a lot." He added, lifting his head with a pout and Wonwoo's hands stopped their motions.

"Is that really what you want to do?" Wonwoo asked, returning his hands, pulling at a few of the strands.

"Of course, I was bad at all my lessons anyway." Mingyu laughed, pressing his lips to Wonwoo's.

"I want you to stop too, because I can't protect you when I'm not there. You don't have to, but I just want to be careful." Mingyu announced, catching Wonwoo completely off guard.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's just a suggestion." Mingyu added with a rush, looking towards Wonwoo's face, it was obvious that he was thinking.

"Okay, I'll quit." Wonwoo agreed, his pace was very slow and he was hesitant in answering. But if Mingyu wanted him to, then he will.

"Now let's have a shower, so get up." Wonwoo announced, pushing Mingyu successfully off the bed so he was able to run to the bathroom.

"Wait for me then." Mingyu groaned, laid out on the floor in 'pain'.

He reached the bathroom and joined Wonwoo under the shower, placing his lips on his.

This kiss was suffocating under the hot water, it had Mingyu pushing Wonwoo up the wall.

Groaning Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Mingyu's neck, pulling him close to his body as hot water ran down the middle of them both.

Their tongues intertwined as they eventually grew boners, Mingyu slowly rubbing his erection into Wonwoo's.

Moaning, Mingyu grazed his hand over Wonwoo's dick before slowly stroking it, the shorter male jerking his hips up with sensitivity.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo moaned, pushing his boyfriend's hand away. Soon enough, he was turned around, his body pressed up against Mingyu's.

He could feel his boner on his back before Mingyu had moved it to rest between his ass.

Grinding, small grunts left Mingyu's mouth before he gave in and pushed into Wonwoo.

Gasping in pain, Wonwoo pushed himself further, needing some more foreplay, which was gladly given when Mingyu noticed his flinch.

He pushed a finger in and began to scissor him open, stretching him out as much as he could.

"Ready." Wonwoo sighed, pushing his ass out so Mingyu could slip in. Mingyu thrusted quickly into Wonwoo, his head laid on Wonwoo's shoulder as he moved his hips.

"Ah shit." He cursed, jerking Wonwoo off as he slipped inside of him. Wonwoo moaned loudly, his hand resting on the shower wall as he was almost pushed against it entirely.

He could feel himself on the edge already, and not long after, he finally came over the wall, Mingyu was still thrusting into him and rode him out of his orgasm, but he wasn't ready yet.

So he continued to stroke Wonwoo, his boner slowly coming back, but he was overcome with sensitivity. Once he was fully erect.

Mingyu ground his hips with his thrusts, Wonwoo grasping his own dick and pushing Mingyu's hand away so he could take control.

"Shit." He cried, coming once again on the wall, Mingyu following along not far after.

He kept his arms wrapped around Wonwoo as he came and eventually pulled out, come running down Wonwoo's legs.

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