Part 6

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'Right now, what I need is your hand'

After dropping Chan to school, Wonwoo walked his way to school. He had woken up late and he needed to get to school fast otherwise he was going to be late.

He was cutting through sketchy alleyways in order to get to school quickly. He ran down one alleyway when he bumped into a stronger body.

The stronger body was a lot firmer than Wonwoo's so when he had smashed into him, Wonwoo fell to the floor.

Groaning, he got up and began apologising, keeping his head down so they wouldn't be able to see his face.

"Well beauty, I see we've crossed again." The man spoke and Wonwoo froze in fear. His hands began to tremble more that usual and he began to sweat.

"I was so upset that you got away last time." The man spoke again, before pushing Wonwoo back onto the floor.

With a thud Wonwoo stayed on the ground, waiting for the impact of anything.

"I should teach you a lesson." He continued, before kicking Wonwoo in the chest. Groaning, Wonwoo fell back, heaving as he tried to breathe, all the wind was knocked out of him.

The man kneeled down beside Wonwoo who was squirming around and he grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw his hand, punching Wonwoo on the eye.

Wonwoo cried in pain and tried to move away, tears gathering in his eyes, his body feeling limp as he let the man beat him up.

"There we go sweetie, lesson taught." The man spoke, landing one more punch to Wonwoo's face, blood dripping down the victim's face.

The man left and Wonwoo was left on the ground, looking up at the sky with one of his eyes, the other was closed due to pain, already swelling and bruising easily.

Breathing heavily, he got up, wheezing when he stretched his body.

Pain flaring up in various areas of his body. He was way too late for school, but he needed to go.

He limped to school, seeing the doors closed, letting him know that he was too late and the first or second lesson had already started.

He sighed and put his hood up, keeping his head down as he finally got to lesson - Art.

"Wonwoo, you're late, have you got a reason?" The teacher shouted, seeing Wonwoo trying to sneak into the lesson.

Shaking his head Wonwoo kept his head low, holding his arms that ached to his stomach.

"Next time, get up earlier and get here on time, otherwise next time will be a detention." The teacher yelled out again, turning back to her computer with an angry face on, as if the others weren't always late, but they were her favourites.

Mingyu watched, a pout on his face with the coldness of Wonwoo. He felt angry with the unfair treatment of the teacher, but Wonwoo didn't even look at him and it made him feel weirdly upset.

Wonwoo sat down and kept his gaze on his lap, his back hurting as he leant back in the chair.

And he felt taps on his shoulder, but he didn't want to look up, knowing Mingyu was tapping him for his attention.

But with no response, Mingyu turned around and sulked.

As soon as the bell rang, Wonwoo was out of there, he didn't need to get the second lesson, he had a free lesson so he stayed in the toilets, cleaning up his cuts that were still leaking blood.

He started off with cleaning his face, making sure to be cautious around the areas which were extra sensitive.

People walked in and out, grimacing when they saw the tissues covered in blood and water.

No one questioned it however, as if it was a daily occurance.

"Wonwoo, holy shit are you okay?" A voice interrupted him, making him poke his bruising eye, startled.

"Fuck, shit!" Wonwoo cried, pain flaming in his eye.
"Oh I'm sorry." Mingyu panicked, moving closer to Wonwoo, taking his hand away from his eye so he could inspect it himself.

"Why are you looking? You're not a fucking doctor." Wonwoo complained, his eye aching as he tried to open it.

"I am now, let me help." Mingyu announced, lifting up Wonwoo's face so he could take a closer look without having to bend down.

"How the fuck did this happen?" Mingyu questioned, dabbing lightly on a cut that had reopened and began to bleed once again.

"You know, I fell over." Wonwoo lied, it's what he usually used when he told Chan.

"Sure, you fell over." Mingyu huffed, knowing fully well that that wasn't the truth.

"There you go, all done." Mingyu announced, patting Wonwoo on the face, but apologised quickly when Wonwoo hissed in pain.

Lunch soon rolled around and Mingyu had gotten Wonwoo food once again.

"This is gonna be a regular thing, I'm getting you lunch everyday." Mingyu declared, passing over the tray of food. He smiled and got in his seat across from Wonwoo and began eating.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay you back?" Wonwoo asked, and Mingyu shook his head furiously.

"Never." He replied, feeling proud for being a good friend.

Wonwoo stared at Mingyu for a while whilst he ate, half-listening to whatever Mingyu was talking about.

Mingyu gave him the attention he didn't get from anyone else, he felt comforted and cared for. Something he had never felt.

"What?" Mingyu asked, grinning when he finally noticed that Wonwoo was staring at him.

Snapping out of it Wonwoo, looked down at his face becoming a dark shade of red.

Mingyu chuckled and felt his own face flush, his heart fluttering.

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