Part 32

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'When this night is nearly ending'

"Mingyu, I need to go to work." Wonwoo groaned as Mingyu pulled him back into his arms.

Wonwoo was mostly changed and had sat on the bed to put his shoes on but Mingyu decided he shouldn't go.

"No you're staying here with me!" Mingyu whined, wrapping the cover around Wonwoo so he couldn't escape the blanket either.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo warned, feeling the arms that held him tight, slowly melt away.

Pressing a kiss to Mingyu's cheek he got back up and finished lacing up his other shoe.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Wonwoo announced, putting away his notepad.

Mingyu nodded from under the covers and lifted his hand waving, before dropping it back down into his pillow pouting at the loss of his boyfriend and warmth.

Smiling, Wonwoo got a move on to get to work. Since Mingyu had restrained him, it was making him late.

He walked through the doors and signed in, his manager looking just as angry as he always did.

As he was setting himself up a couple walked in, with two little children.

"Do you have a table for four?" The lady asked, trying to quieten down her kids that were already causing terror.

Her husband was running after the fleeing child and had to hold him as he cried to be released.

"Sure- just by the window." Wonwoo pointed, cringing as one of the children squealed loudly, alerting everyone and causing the other customers to glance over and judge the kids.

Soon enough the other child had run off and the mother this time had to run after the child. The kids were fast and Wonwoo took note to be wary of where he was walking.

Wonwoo was stuck with a limp, so bending down and walking quickly hurt like hell.

He just had to bear with it for the night before he could get in bed with Mingyu again and cuddle up to him.

"What would you guys like?" Wonwoo asked, walking up the step to the table with the two devils.

"Can we just have two apple juices and two Pepsi's?" The woman asked, slapping her child lightly on the arm as it clawed at her shoulder.

Wonwoo put it on their tab and began their drinks, taking it to them with a rush.

He got their order when suddenly a drink had been dropped and smashed over the carpet.

One of the kids had thrown their juice to the floor extremely hard and it managed to split the class.

The manager stormed over to see the broken glass and glared at Wonwoo.

"Sorry about that, would you like another drink?" His manager asked them as they nodded. Wonwoo had gotten their order and put it on the ticket, grimacing.

"Here is your cutlery." Wonwoo announced before passing over knives and forks, he was placing one down for the father when a knife was thrown at him, clanking loudly as it fell back on the table.

Luckily it wasn't a sharp kitchen knife but a simple blunt one.

Stepping back he expected an apology, but was met with nothing from the parents, instead the two giggled and Wonwoo was forced to get them a new one.

Taking out the food was a major problem, he had to keep steady, but the limp he was sporting didn't help, especially because the kids on the table decided to run circles around him.

He was about to get to the table when one of the kids tripped him over, the food crashing on the floor.

Groaning, he got up off the ground hearing the loud stomps of his manager, creeping closer towards him.

"Are you an idiot?" The mother asked, getting her 'perfect' children to sit down and act good.

"Sorry Miss. I'll get you new ones." Wonwoo wheezed, collecting the food that had dropped from the plates.

"Wonwoo, put them back, when you're done. Follow me." His manager spat, gripping his shoulder tightly.

Wonwoo told the chefs to make new food and threw the other plates away.

He got out of the kitchen doors and saw his manager standing there, his arms crossed over his chest as he began to walk, Wonwoo following close behind, his lips pressed tightly together.

"All the time, Wonwoo! All the time! Now that was the last time, you're fired." The manager shouted, luckily the office was in the room above the restaurant, otherwise everyone would be able to hear the unnecessary shouting.

"Good, this place is a joke." Wonwoo stated, his voice calm as he threw his apron to the ground and walked out.

He silently cursed the place out and limped his way out, he just needed to get home.

He got home and trudged inside, slipping off his shoes, and began to dress for bed.

Glad to never be wearing that out of date uniform, he looked like an elf in it.

He slipped inside the covers, being extra quiet as Mingyu slept.

Automatically, arms wrapped around his middle and pulled him towards Mingyu's body. Letting out a chuckle, he placed a kiss on Mingyu's lips.

Wonwoo let out a groan before realising he needed to get a new job. Biting his lip he pressed one last kiss to Mingyu's forehead before finally falling asleep.

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