Part 13

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'When we open our eyes'

Wonwoo woke up, throwing his body up from the springs that dug into his back and rolled out, he shook Chan awake and got ready with their usual routine.

"Are you taking Mrs Snow Bear with you today?" Wonwoo questioned his brother, he had recently noticed the boy was sneaking the small bear in his bag as he went to school and it made him amused to a maximum level.

Receiving a silent nod, Wonwoo put the bear in the bag and handed it to his brother and they rushed out of the house.

Dodging the glass that was still on the floor from last night.

Wonwoo got to school and saw Mingyu standing at the entrance, his friends stood behind him, talking, as Mingyu looked forward. Waiting for Wonwoo to show up.

Finally seeing him his hand went up and he waved towards Wonwoo, a massive grin resting now on his face. Wonwoo approached them, his gaze only on Mingyu as he stood beside him.

Glancing up finally to Mingyu's friends, he saw the glare that he was being given, so he just kept his head down.

"How are you?" Mingyu asked him, hand slipping into Wonwoo's happily.

"I'm good." Wonwoo nodded, looking up to Mingyu's confused eyes that soon flickered to concern.

"Wait, why is your face all scratched up?" Mingyu asked, running his fingertips across Wonwoo's face.

"Oh, I think I slept funny." Wonwoo lied, his cheeks heating up as Mingyu kept touching his face.

Nodding, the group soon started walking to class, Mingyu's arm wrapped around Wonwoo's waist as they walked together, holding him as close as possible.

Sitting on their usual table, Mingyu and Wonwoo sat next to each other, Mingyu's friends sitting in front of them.

Wonwoo had his lunch that Mingyu paid for in front of him and Mingyu had his own sitting in front of him.

The judgemental stares that mostly Seokmin threw at him, kept his head down.

"I'll be back in a minute." Wonwoo announced in Mingyu's ear, before he scurried away, Mingyu's eyes following him as he stepped out of the canteen.

"Really Mingyu?" Seokmin started, his eyes following Wonwoo out before they snapped to Mingyu who stared at the exit of the canteen looking like a lovesick puppy.

"What?" Mingyu asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked back at Seokmin who kept a stern expression on his faces

"Wonwoo, it's so obvious that he's using you, I mean why can't he get his own lunch?" Seokmin rambled, gesturing to where Wonwoo was sitting and grimacing.

"Yeah, do you buy him everything? Does he not have any money, cause if so, dump him." Minghao agreed, nodding his head along with everything that Seokmin was saying, ignoring the angry look on Mingyu's face.

"I buy him lunch willingly, I want to pay for his shit so fuck off, it's got nothing to do with you." Mingyu snapped, glaring at all his friends who looked appalled at his language- especially Seungkwan.

"But he's probably manipulated you into wanting to buy stuff for him, he's taking advantage of you because you're nice and naive." Jihoon replied, shaking at his poor friend who he thought had no brain.

"You guys are fucking ridiculous, you know. How about you being bitches to my friend? I really like him." Mingyu spat, his hands in fists as he tried to not slap them all in their snobby faces.

"You like him, in what way?" Seungkwan asked, the disgust now evident on his face as he looked at Mingyu.

"I want him to be my boyfriend." Mingyu announced, closing his mouth quickly as he saw Wonwoo walk back into the canteen.

"Behave." He said to his mates before smiling at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo sat beside him, his shoulders hunched over as he leaned towards Mingyu.

It was nice not having their stares on him for a minute, but it was so uncomfortable because it seemed worse.

Mingyu slyly wrapped his arm around Wonwoo's waist and pulled him closer against his body.

Wonwoo almost fainted, he was so close that he could smell the spray Mingyu was wearing that day and it made him panic.

Heat spread across his cheeks and he felt as if he was sweating, so he tried to calm himself down, not wanting to smell like sweat when being cuddled up beside Mingyu.

Mingyu continued a new conversation, glaring at his friends every so often as they would say something snarky with Wonwoo who he had finally noticed become distressed.

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