Part 9

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'We've got to be together to get to the hidden 9 & 3/4'

After the encounter with Mingyu's friends, Wonwoo clung to him, not wanting to ever be alone with them again. Mingyu didn't think anything of it and just let Wonwoo cuddle up to him, loving the attention.

Finally he went to work, getting there extra early, and starting as soon as he got there, he needed the money.

"Hey, Wonwoo, go do table fives order." A coworker called out as they made drinks for the table Wonwoo was currently serving.

Nodding Wonwoo took the drinks to the table he was serving and took their order, trying to write down everything they said.

"Wonwoo, table five." The coworker shouted, making Wonwoo wince and run to put the food order on before running to table five.

"Wonwoo, can you get a drinks order for table 9?" Another one of his coworkers asked and Wonwoo nodded, and walked to table five so he could get their order.

He soon strolled over to table nine and took their order, stabbing the machine so he could put both of the drink orders through.

The bell rang from the kitchen and Wonwoo was about to go grab the food when he was stopped.

"Wonwoo can you stop fucking slacking, we're busy." His co-worker snapped, Wonwoo's eyes tearing up. He took a deep breath and went to go get the food.

"Don't drop it this time." The chef warned, and Wonwoo nodded, running out so he could get the food to the tables.

He grabbed the rest of the plates, burning his hand and he began to put the plate down.

He put the plate down and a couple chips fell off the plate.

"I'm so sorry about that-." He began but was soon cut off with a glare from the customer.

"Take it back." The man snapped, looking at the couple of chips that fell off the plate. "Take it back." He spat again, waiting for Wonwoo to move.

"Take it ba- okay I'm so sorry." Wonwoo grabbed the plate, forgetting to pick up the chips and was quickly stopped.

"Take the rest of them then." The guy practically shouted, and Wonwoo grabbed the few chips that were still sitting on the clean table and took it back to the kitchen.

"Fucking hell Wonwoo, you fucking dropped it!" The chef snapped, making Wonwoo jump and put the plate down, tears dropping down his face.

"Only a few chips went onto the table and he told me to take the whole thing back." Wonwoo cried, sniffling loudly as the chef glared at him.

"Just piss off Wonwoo, get someone else to take it next time." The angry chef sneered, and Wonwoo walked out, standing behind the bar wall as he dried his face.

"Wonwoo, can you work please!" His co-worker cried, slamming down an empty glass. Wonwoo let his facial expression rest and he started to work at the bar.

Helping people to pay their bills or if they wanted a drink.

"Nice seeing you here." A new voice announced and Wonwoo whipped his head up. Mingyu stood in front of him, a grin slapped on his face as he started back at Wonwoo, very happy to see him.

"Mingyu, what are you doing here?" Wonwoo asked, glancing around so no one could see him talking and catch him 'slacking off'.

"It's a restaurant isn't it, I came to eat. When do you finish?" Mingyu asked, glancing at the clock that hung above Wonwoo.

"20 minutes, what would you like?" Wonwoo gave Mingyu all his things and guided him to a seat.

"Wonwoo, sit with me when you're finished." Mingyu called out and Wonwoo nodded towards Mingyu, waiting for when the time was finally up.

Not long after, he was finally finished and was off of work. He took off his waist apron and went to sit down with Mingyu.

"Why did you get two meals, there's only one of you." Wonwoo asked, his eyebrows furrowing as Mingyu began to laugh.

"I brought you dinner, hope you like chicken." Mingyu smiles, patting Wonwoo on the shoulder as he gets up to get him a drink.

He came back with a drink and put it in front of Wonwoo, kissing his cheek as he sat down.

"Are you alright, you looked very overwhelmed when you were working?" Mingyu asked, his grin dying down as his tone began to get serious.

Pursing his lips Wonwoo looked away, not wanting to look at Mingyu, it was embarrassing that he couldn't keep up and stand up for himself.

Soon enough the food was brought and Wonwoo began eating, it was strange to eat something so warm, most of the food he brought for him and Chan was cold, he couldn't cook and had nothing to cook with if he wanted to.

It was nice for a change.

"Should we go?" Mingyu asked, he had finished eating and was stuffed, Wonwoo the same as he leant back in his chair nodding.

They both got up and left, Mingyu had already paid for all his food and Wonwoo's. Mingyu brought Wonwoo's hand into his and pulled him close, their hands intertwining.

"That was very nice. Best date ever." Mingyu laughed, his arms wrapping around Wonwoo's waist as he walked behind him.

"Date?!" Wonwoo panicked, trying to look at Mingyu who was laughing behind him.

"Yes, date." Mingyu grinned, unwrapped his arms from Wonwoo's waist and walked beside him, their hands interlocked.

Getting to Mingyu's house, Wonwoo was left with a single kiss to his cheek and watched as Mingyu walked into his house, waving at Wonwoo as he stepped into his house.

Tapping his cheek, Wonwoo walked away, feeling happier than he usually did after work.

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