Part 28

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'We'll swim in the midst of the galaxy'

The guy's hand had risen to the height of Wonwoo's hips, Wonwoo was almost frozen in fear, it's not like he could do much.

This guy was leaning on him with a firm hand on his leg.

So in an attempt he pulled himself off of the chair and stood up shaking, his legs threatening to collapse underneath him.

"Can you just leave me alone!" Wonwoo gasped, he felt choked up and stuffy, his eyes tearing up.

"What's going on?" Mingyu asked, coming over with a tray of Wonwoo's lunch.

He slammed it down and glared at the man who was still sitting down, looking between him and Wonwoo.

Wonwoo trembled over to Mingyu and stood beside him, holding his arm as his hands shook with fear, breathing heavily.

"What happened?" Mingyu asked, taking his boyfriend's hand and turning to the trembling figure.

"He kept touching me when I said no." Wonwoo muttered, hiding his face behind Mingyu's back, a tear sliding down his face.

"He's lying, he kept telling me that he was single and how he liked me. I was just being nice." The guy declared, standing up with his hands in the air as he backed away.

"Sure, that's why he's crying?" Mingyu asked, stepping forward, letting go of Wonwoo's hand.

"That's why he's so scared?" Mingyu spat, having enough he finally landed a punch to the man's face.

Jolting in surprise, Wonwoo shrieked and others reacted and gathered around the fight, forming a hug crowd.

"Don't touch him again." Mingyu sneered, punching the guy to the floor, kicking him on the side.

"Mingyu, stop please!" Wonwoo begged, tears flooding his eyes.

He stood there shivering, his arms wrapped around his waist as teachers came and grabbed Mingyu and pulled him away from the man.

Mingyu pulled Wonwoo towards him as he finally backed away, happy at the guy groaning on the floor.

"Deserved it." He spat, before him and Wonwoo was dragged away with the teachers. They were put into a small meeting room and a teacher sat with them, lecturing them.

"Sorry for causing an inconvenience Sir." Mingyu lied, muttering his words as he pretended to care.

He held Wonwoo's hand and ran his thumb down his hand, in an effort to comfort his boyfriend, whose knee was bouncing up and down.

"I will call both of your parents and have them come here to discuss consequences for the both of you." The teacher declared, tapping at his computer in the small room to find the numbers of the parents in the school files.

"Wait! Wonwoo wasn't a part of the fight, it was only me." Mingyu announced, sitting up more to persuade the man to not call Wonwoo's missing parents.

"We'll I'm still calling his parents, he was there, he may or may not have a consequence." The teacher nodded, walking out of the room to the larger office, to be able to reach the telephone.

"Sorry that I roped you into this, that guy deserved what he got anyway, I'm not sorry for that." Mingyu declared, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's cheek as the other laughed slightly before leaning in.

He laid his head on Mingyu's chest and felt arms wrap around his waist, he let out a sigh and they sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Right, Mingyu your mother answered and Wonwoo we sent your parents a message." The teacher announced, unknowing that the number was just his and his phone was with Chan.

Mingyu's mother finally arrived and it turned out that Mingyu got a week or two of suspension.

"Since Wonwoo's parents aren't here, I'll take him home." Mingyu's mum told the principal, but the man shook his head.

"No, I want to wait for his parents to arrive." He stubbornly replied, letting them walk into his small office.

Groaning Mingyu sat down and pouted to Wonwoo who continued to glare at the teacher.

They ended up staying for another half an hour before he was finally let go.

"Right, I don't think your parents received the message, just go with Mrs Kim." He waved, Mingyu jumped up and wrapped an arm around Wonwoo's shoulders, letting him lead the way out.

"I can't believe that idiot only got a week suspension, I swear." Mingyu raged, getting in his mother's car behind Wonwoo who was getting his seatbelt on.

"No you won't, you shouldn't be fighting. You're old enough to know that fighting is childish." His mother countered, finally getting the car moving.

"He deserved it, he was assaulting Wonwoo." Mingyu replied, his voice high as he glanced to check on the other who stared out of the window, watching as the world went by fast.

"Oh, well, I guess he did deserve it, but this won't happen again." Mrs Kim mumbled, putting the radio on and feeling awkward.

"Are you alright?" Mingyu asked Wonwoo, leaning in to press a kiss to his neck. Wonwoo nodded and continued looking out the window, his eyes feeling droopy.

"I'm tired." Wonwoo muttered, sighing before he leaned back into Mingyu, letting the giant envelope him in a hug.

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