Part 38

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'So that the summoning spell brings us together'

Wonwoo finally got home from school, he had left telling them he was sick, which they luckily believed from his pale and drained face.

He limped home, gasping as he could barely breathe, thoughts ran around his head, and he increased his pace. He needed to get home.

He walked inside the house, grimacing at the eerie silence they followed.

He could only hear his loud breathing and sniffled that would sound every second.

He walked up to their shared bedroom door and he hesitated, needing to cry once again.

Wonwoo knocked shyly on the door, his heart rate picking up as he could hear rustling from behind the door, a loud bang heard from inside.

He stood away from the door before finally walking through himself, his throat tight.

He needed to throw up again, he was so sick, his body ached and all the anxiety stopped him from being relaxed, his hands shook in terror as he saw the ground of their bedroom.

Lifting his head from the ground he was met with the cold stare of Mingyu.

He had seen it.

Tears flowed freely down Wonwoo's face as Mingyu scoffed in disgust.

"Mingyu, I promise the video isn't real, they held me up against the wall and I couldn't-."

"Shut up Wonwoo! What you did is clear on my phone! I should've known you were using me!" Mingyu shouted, throwing his phone on the floor, the screen smashing, but Mingyu could care less.

He was hurt.

"This whole time- this whole time they were right. I-I should've known. I gave you a home and this is how you repay me?" Mingyu asked, biting his lip so he didn't cry in front of Wonwoo.

Even with the state of Wonwoo in front of him, he couldn't show any compassion.

"No, Mingyu please. I swear they harassed me, they held me there and he forced himself on me!" Wonwoo cried, digging his own fingernails into the skin on the back of his hand.

He rubbed at his lips, continuing to open the wounds that had only just healed over slightly, he could still feel it, he wanted Mingyu to make the feeling go away.

"Stop lying Wonwoo!" Mingyu spat, his own eyes tearing up as he stared at his crumbling boyfriend.

"You're a whore, and they were right! You should be on the streets." Mingyu sneered, his words going straight through Wonwoo's heart, his words making him crumble to the floor in a heap of sobs, and a babbling mess.

"They always warned me that you were deceiving and I never believed them because I love you. Was that guy I got suspended for fighting, telling the truth?"

"No Mingyu, please. Please, don't say that." Wonwoo sobbed, he couldn't stop scratching himself, his arms were red raw, his nails digging new wounds.

"I didn't consent, I would never do that to you. I love you so much. It hurts." Wonwoo cried, he could feel more bile rising from his throat, he covered his mouth as he gagged.

In a rush he ran into the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. More blood mixing with the bile, a headache panging through his head.

Mingyu had followed him into the bathroom and saw how much of a mess his boyfriend was in.

He had bile around his mouth and shirt, his face soaked in tears, the tears never drying due to new droplets falling down his face. Blood still flowed from his mouth.

Mingyu sighed and wiped Wonwoo's face, lifting his shirt to take it off. Wonwoo complied and laid across the toilet, he felt faint, tears wouldn't stop falling from his eyes.

There were bruises across Wonwoo's arms, nail marks that were red dotted across the handprints.

Mingyu's eyes softened and all the anger melted away, guilt taking its place. He should've believed him, he should've seen it in the video.

He was so angry from the video he didn't take into account all of his troubles. He was selfish.

"Wonwoo, I'm sorry." Mingyu began to cry, he rubbed his boyfriends back gently, Wonwoo was falling asleep on the toilet seat, his head on his arms.

"I believe you baby." Mingyu cried. "I'm sorry."

Wonwoo still had tears flowing freely from his eyes as he sniffled. He almost lost Mingyu. He continued to feel sleepy as Mingyu picked him up into his arms.

"I'm sorry for calling you all that, I'm a dickhead and I'm sorry." Mingyu claimed, kissing Wonwoo's cheek as he laid him down into bed.

Wonwoo was unresponsive, too tired to talk. He laid down in bed and stared, his eyes slowly drooping before he fell asleep.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm really sorry." Mingyu whispered, pressing kisses to Wonwoo's face.

He ran down to get the first aid kit and returned to tend to all of Wonwoo's injuries.

There were too many; there were bruises all over his hands, his lips were all torn up, his arms were now bleeding heavily from all the scratching he had done.

There was a bruise on his neck, but that was from Mingyu's ex-stepfather, it was almost faded but still as painful as before.

He wrapped his arms in bandages before dropping the bag beside his bed and getting in beside Wonwoo. Kissing his head as he fell asleep.

Saying one last sorry before he became unconscious.

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