Part 20

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'Tell me yes, a 'no' is no'

At school, Mingyu waited for Wonwoo to join him so he could confront his mates. He saw Wonwoo walking up, so he waved his hand, trying to get him to hurry up.

"Come on, I need to talk with the others." Mingyu announced, pulling Wonwoo into the hallway, dragging him up to Seokmin and his little gang.

Wonwoo grimaced, hiding behind Mingyu as a form of protection. Mingyu stopped and Wonwoo bumped into him, not realising they were already with the group.

"Minghao, can you not spread lies about me to my boyfriend." Mingyu sneered, his usual smile was long gone.

"God Mingyu, it was only a joke- sorry that your boyfriend believed us. And it's sad to see that he hasn't dumped you yet.

But that's probably because he's still using you." Minghao snapped, glaring at his taller friend.

"Stop saying that about him, stop trying to get us to break up because it's not going to work." Mingyu spat, his grip on Wonwoo's hand getting excessively tighter.

"Well we don't like him, Mingyu! He's using you for money and you're too oblivious to see it." Seokmin announced, butting into the conversation with his revelation.

"Yeah I bet he's already cheated on you a hundred times and how long have you been dating? Not long?" Jihoon added, glaring at Wonwoo who was hiding still, behind Mingyu.

"Yeah, he's probably been whoring himself off as well." Seungkwan giggled, before falling to the ground, a swift punch landing on his face.

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo called out, pulling him away before he could do anything else that could get him suspended.

Seungkwan whined on the floor whilst he was surrounded by his friends.

People laughed around them, finding the scene hilarious. Seungkwan was someone they all wanted to punch. Some whilsted and cheered and they all fuzzed out when Wonwoo shoved Mingyu into an empty classroom.

"What are you doing? Do you want to get in trouble?" Wonwoo rambled, his eyes wide in shock.

He was about to continue when a pair of lips were pushed on to his own. Muffling his words, Wonwoo melted into the kiss.

Mingyu pulled him towards his body and held him close, their kisses getting sloppy as they ran out of breath.

"Excuse me? Can you get out of this room?" A grumbly voice interrupted, the two pulled apart and whipped around wondering who it was.

"Sorry Mr Choi." Mingyu responded, pulling Wonwoo out of the room. "Won't happen again." He added before walking out and laughing.

"Fucking hell, he freaked me out." Mingyu chuckled, pulling Wonwoo close to the side of his body before leading him out of the school.

"Let's hope Seungkwan doesn't report you." Wonwoo forced himself to laugh, he knew full well that Seungkwan was a Drama Queen and the whole school probably knew what Mingyu had done already.

"Oh well, what's he gonna do? Pat me?" Mingyu said, shaking his head as he pulled Wonwoo down a trail.

"Where are we going?" Wonwoo asked, he was being led down a foreign area. He didn't know much about this place, only the parts that were easily accessed.

"We're going to the meadow." Mingyu smiled, opening an old wooden gate that had been overrun with weeds and grass.

"There's a river here, so I thought we could just sit here all day." Mingyu added, slipping through the small opening that they were able to access.

"This place is a bit run down." Wonwoo noted, seeing the small bench that sat beside the river, it seemed like it was going to break any minute.

"Yeah, it's been forgotten about when the new park was built." Mingyu replied, sitting down on the bench, leaving enough space for Wonwoo to sit down next to him.

"Sometimes I come and clean up the river, I did it a couple weeks ago. It might need doing again soon." Mingyu announced, wrapping an arm around Wonwoo.

Wonwoo leaned his head on Mingyu's shoulder, gazing up at his boyfriend's face.

Staring deeply, he leaned forward, snuggling closer to his boyfriend before kissing his neck.

Mingyu let out a shy grin and pulled Wonwoo in for a kiss, their lips met for a brief second before they split and looked at the river.

"You've done a bad job of cleaning the river." Wonwoo laughed before jerking away from his boyfriend who pinched his side making him jolt in his seat.

"I was joking." Wonwoo laughed again, before being swarmed and brought into Mingyu's arms.

He was pressed up against Mingyu as they hugged and when he tried to 'get away' he wasn't able to so he just stayed in that position.

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