Part 21

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'Don't wanna stay, now we can go'

The two left the meadow hours later, both having daisy chains wrapped around their heads like crowns.

They walked to Mingyu's with their hands intertwined, swinging them around, before stopping.

"I'll see you later, you working?" Mingyu asked, pulling Wonwoo into a hug, rubbing his nose into Wonwoo's neck.

"No thankfully. I'll see you tomorrow, love you." Wonwoo smiled, pressing his lips against Mingyu's before parting. With a wave he continued his way to the shop.

Luckily enough, he had time to think about what to eat instead of grabbing the same thing he always had, so he grabbed a couple of things and brought them before going to fetch his brother.

He stood at the entrance of the school, his bag slung over his shoulders waiting for Chan.

When finally seeing Chan he waved and Chan ran over to him, giving him a hug.

"Wonwoo, you picked me up this time!" Chan celebrated, taking his brother's hand before they started walking home.

"Chan!" His teacher called out and Wonwoo snapped his head down to see his brother hiding behind his body.

"Is this your brother?" The teacher asked, bending down slightly to speak to Chan. With a nod from Chan she got up and looked towards Wonwoo with a letter in her hand.

"We have a new uniform, this is just the prices and sheet to write which one you want. Thank you." The teacher grinned, making Wonwoo cringe so much that it hurt.

"New uniform. What next, we have to buy the whole school next?" Wonwoo groaned, he let go of Chan's hand and looked through the piece of paper.

"20 quid for a pair of trousers!" Wonwoo cried, slightly panicking before scrunching it up in his bag.

"Are you okay Wonwoo?" Chan mumbled, now holding onto Wonwoo's hand once again.

"I'm fine Chan, it's alright, I'll find the money somewhere. Maybe dad will have his account open again." Wonwoo grunted, leading Chan home, hearing the ridiculous day that Chan had.

When they walked through the door to they're house, the place wasn't clean like usual, it was a wreck. Bottles sat around the floor and glass splattered around it.

"Chan go upstairs, earphones." Wonwoo instructed, soon hearing the cries that came from the kitchen. Grimacing, he walked through the glass and bottles, getting glass stuck in his shoes.

"What happened?" Wonwoo asked his mother who laid against the empty cupboards.

"Your father left, gone completely. He was always this selfish." His mother spat, throwing another bottle to the wall, glass splattering around the room.

"Why?" Wonwoo questioned, looking towards his mother, realising that the bottles that were surrounding her were all drunk by her.

"Mum! You can't drink, what are you doing?" Wonwoo spat, pushing the bottle of wine away from his mothers mouth.

Grabbing the others he began emptying them into the sink. His mother grunted and begged for them back, reaching out weakly.

"No, give them back." She whined, trying to drink another bottle but failed as Wonwoo took it away from her.

"You know what's selfish, you, drinking. You're pregnant." Wonwoo snapped, throwing the empty bottles into a plastic bag. "You're drinking that baby away." Wonwoo added, tears developing in his eyes.

"Who cares Wonwoo. You didn't want me to have it anyway." His mother cried, sobbing loudly as she tried to drink from an empty bottle.

"Then you get an abortion, not a miscarriage." Wonwoo snapped, throwing the empty bottles out of the back door.

"You're just like your father. Always trying to boss me around, grow up Wonwoo." His mother cried, making Wonwoo stop entirely. In no way was he like his father, he didn't leave- he also didn't leave his son out in the pouring rain as he cheated on his wife.

"Go fuck your self." Wonwoo spat, slamming the final bottles onto the table and storming out of the room.

He ran upstairs, hearing his mother call after him, more bottles were being smashed around making him wince.

When he got to his room the door was opened and he saw Chan attempting to get everything clean again.

"Your mattress was flipped over." Chan told Wonwoo, making his older brother panic. Breathing heavily, he began looking for his jar of money, how he hoped he would find it.

He ended up finding the jar, but it was completely empty. Most of his money was in that jar and now he had nothing except the money that was in his bank.

Sighing, not his lip and carried on cleaning, hopeful that the money in his bank would be enough to fund Chan. Maybe he could get another job to support the two of them.

He wasn't paying the bills so at least he didn't have to worry about that.

"Has anything gone Wonwoo?" He heard Chan ask,
So he shook his head, not wanting to worry his brother now that another rock has landed on his back.

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