Part 10

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'Bibbidi bobbidi the train is departing'

Wonwoo woke up early, he felt refreshed, not something he was ever used to. He was going to wake Chan up when his phone buzzed on his desk.

Slowly he walked to his phone and took a glance at it.

'I'm picking you up, get ready, but not for school. Bring your brother as well :)'

It was Mingyu, he had found him on Instagram Wonwoo guessed.

Confused, he woke up Chan, patting his shoulder gently. Chan opened his eyes, squinting as the sun blinded his eyes.

"No school today." Wonwoo announced, before walking to the large wardrobe and getting out clothes for him and Chan.

"Why?" Chan questioned, rubbing his eyes roughly, yawning as he tried to speak simultaneously.

"My friend is picking us up, I don't know why though. But get dressed." Wonwoo announced, chucking over his brother's clothes.

Chan was too tired to move, so the material ended up slapping him in the face before he could think.

Shaking his head, Wonwoo got changed, splitting away from the room to inspect the hallway before safely making it to the bathroom.

His brother followed him soon after, the two doing their daily routine in the small crowded bathroom.

Wonwoo helped Chan lace his shoes up before he slapped his shoulder and dragged him up to his feet.

"You've got to be good, yeah, you might embarrass me." Wonwoo almost pleaded, he knew his brother was as good as gold, but he didn't want anything to ruin this.

"Yeah okay, I won't embarrass you in front of your boyfriend." Chan said, rolling his eyes as he giggled as his brother.

Blushing Wonwoo slapped his brother's arm and helped him get out of the house by the window. Luckily enough, he could hear a distant voice call out his name.

"Wonwoo! I'm here!" Mingyu called out, the act of them getting down caught his eye and he finally recognised who it was. He now felt grateful that he didn't have to knock on the door.

Wonwoo grabbed Chan's hand and pulled him towards Mingyu.

"Chan, this is Mingyu." Wonwoo introduced, noticing the smile that was held strongly on Mingyu's face, Chan's own face replicating it as he stared up at the giant.

"He's so tall!" Chan laughed in awe, jumping and trying to be at the same height. Wonwoo looked at Chan in amusement before his eyes caught Mingyu's.

"Well maybe, when you're older, you'll be tall like me." Mingyu grinned, the three of them now walking towards wherever Mingyu had planned to drag them to.

"No way, he's nine and is still three foot." Wonwoo almost laughed, seeming to catch himself as he made a disgusted face.

"Hey, that's not very nice." Mingyu said, covering Chan's ears, not letting the child hear Wonwoo's insult. Wonwoo made a snarky face before slipping his hand into Mingyu's, slipping in the middle of Chan and Mingyu.

After a long walk and many minutes of Chan complaining they finally reached the train station, Chan sat down and they both waited for Mingyu as he 'went to the toilet' but actually went to pay for the three tickets to the city.

He returned and handed them their tickets and Wonwoo looked annoyed, glaring at Mingyu.

"Mingyu, I could've paid for our tickets. You shouldn't waste your money." Wonwoo pouted, glancing down at the ticket.

He couldn't afford it in the long run but he didn't want Mingyu spending all his money on him.

"Nope, no complaining. Now I see where Chan gets it from." Mingyu teased, before rubbing his arm because Wonwoo slapped it.

Giggling, Chan followed the two elders and sat down on the train. What made Wonwoo feel worse about going into the city, was that it was a fancy train, not the horrible subway type trains.

Mingyu spoke to Chan the whole way there, telling horrible jokes that made him laugh up a storm. His giggles never stopped even if the joke was horrific. Wonwoo sat there and judged Mingyu's comedic ability - which he definitely didn't have.

Halfway through the journey a hand slipped into his and brought it over the table, the whole world knowing in that train that they were holding hands.

It made Wonwoo freeze up momentarily, but he just sank back into his chair, loving the comfort, way nicer than his bed at home.

They got into the city and people in suits ran around the train station, Wonwoo kept his grip on Chan, not wanting his younger brother to get lost- it was a lot more scarier than the man who was staring at him and licking his lips, he was only waiting for Mingyu to get back.

"You need to stay close to Chan, if anyone looks sketchy just hold Mingyu's hand too." Wonwoo announced, speaking into the younger's ear.

He knew Mingyu was more manly and taller than him. He was able to protect Chan more easily than Wonwoo.

Soon enough Mingyu was back and now pulled them out of the little area they had been standing in and dragged them along a busy street.

People jumped into them, sometimes knocking Wonwoo back a lot, he was a thin frame and when he had a brute man knocking into him, he would almost fall to the floor.

Mingyu ended up pulling him in front of him, Chan by their sides, holding Wonwoo's and Mingyu's hand.

"Ah! Here we are." Mingyu announced, pulling them into a proper building. The walls were white and there wasn't a spec of dust in sight.

It made Wonwoo feel out of place immediately.

Although, it was way better than it was at home, he wondered what it would be like to live the rich, city living life.

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