Part 33

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'Rewind the clock, rewind now'

Wonwoo woke up with his phone ringing on the bed side table. Grunting, he unwrapped his arms from Mingyu's waist and turned to grab his phone.

Squinting at it, he read the unfamiliar number and grunted in confusion before raising it to his ear.

"Hello?" He groggily spoke up, not even bothering to open his eyes as he continued the call.

"Jeon Wonwoo?" The voice asked from over the phone.

"Yes?" Wonwoo asked, lazily getting back in the bed in Mingyu's arms.

"It's the police, we have reason to think that your father had killed your mother, do you have any idea where he is?" The officer asked, stunning Wonwoo, making him pause.

"No I don't, sorry." Wonwoo replied, his dad? Killing his mum? That was a headline in his head.

The phone call soon ended, the police not getting any new leads,  and Wonwoo couldn't seem to close his now opened eyes, it was all too shocking.

"Mingyu, wake the fuck up." Wonwoo swore, slamming his pillow in his boyfriend's sleeping face.

He shook Mingyu awake and told him what had happened but he was just as confused.

"But didn't your father leave?" Mingyu asked, trying to get his morning brain around it, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, it just confused me because my father doesn't want anything to do with my mum." Wonwoo replied, feeling a hand creep onto his ass sneakily.

"Stop! Anyway, I was fired last night, two little kids made me fall over and it was my fault." Wonwoo announced, making quotation marks with his hands.

"I need to find a new one." He pouted, turning to Mingyu who stared at him with a blank face, only running his hand down Wonwoo's side as he sat on his lap.

"No you don't." Mingyu stated, his eyebrows furrowing before a smile erupted on his face.

"Now you can stay here all day with me!" Mingyu grinned, wrapping his arms around Wonwoo and kissing all over his face, holding him close so he couldn't get away.

"No! I need a job." Wonwoo moaned, pushing Mingyu away from slobbering all over his face.

"No you don't, I will provide for you now, and my mum." Mingyu laughed, only bringing Wonwoo closer as the other pushed him away.

The friction of Wonwoo's constant moving made Mingyu moan out, holding his boyfriend's hips in place before he got a boner.

"No, Mingyu. I need a job." Wonwoo told him, making his face stoic to convince him enough, but the other only tutted and shook his head.

"No, Wonwoo. You don't need a job." Mingyu mocked, pushed Wonwoo down on the bed.

He leaned down and pressed kisses along Wonwoo's neck, leaving hot kisses lingering on his skin, Wonwoo enjoying it with a smile.

He made little marks across Wonwoo's neck, before licking up towards his ear, Wonwoo shrieking in the process.

"That's gross!" Wonwoo complained, squirming in his boyfriend's hold, but he was held down by his arms.

"I'll do it again if you get a job, so no jobs." Mingyu warned, pulling himself up and away from Wonwoo.

"No jobs. Focus on your education now." Mingyu declared, slightly making a deal with Wonwoo who nodded not wanting to make an argument about it.

"Let's go down for breakfast." Mingyu announced, pulling Wonwoo up out of the warm bed.

"I think my step-dad is here, so you'll be able to meet him." Mingyu nodded, not bothering to change into something new.

Walking down, Mingyu bumped into someone, a shorter male, who seemed a lot older than Mingyu's mum.

"Oh, Wonwoo, meet my step-dad, coincidence, ha. Was just talking about you." Mingyu announced, patting the man on the shoulder, a grin attached to his face.

Wonwoo lifted his head from Mingyu's back and looked at the man's familiar face.

"Well you know. Speak of the Devil and he shall appear." The man laughed, patting Mingyu's arm.

Pausing entirely, Wonwoo cringed. He knew where he had seen him from.

He was the guy who had jumped him on the way to work, who pushed him against the wall, harassing him.

"Nice to meet you Wonwoo." The guy smiled, the smile making Wonwoo sink, putting out his long arm to shake Wonwoo's hand.

Wonwoo tried to hide behind Mingyu but reluctantly placed out his hand, shaking the creepy guy's hand.

Sitting down at the dinner table, Mingyu's mum placed pancakes in front of them.

Mingyu said thank you to her gratefully before reaching out to put a bunch of different fruit over his and Wonwoo's plates.

Mingyu sat to the right of Wonwoo whilst the creepy man sat opposite him. The man's eyes were darkened and set on Wonwoo making him shift in his seat uncomfortably.

As Wonwoo became anxious, a hand was placed on his thigh. It soothed him slightly more, but that lingering anxiety was almost overpowering.

He felt Mingyu's thumb caressing his knee, decreasing the bouncing of his leg.

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