Part 29

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'As two comets, bungee'

Sitting on Mingyu's bed, he scrolled through his phone, checking his emails and messages. Still he hasn't heard anything about his mothers death.

Whether it was a murder or a suicide.

Wonwoo believed it was a suicide, as harsh as he thought, she was most likely intoxicated to the point of death, although it doesn't explain why she ran away with all of her clothes.

Shaking his head, he got up and got ready for school since he still had to go.

Chan came and held up his new lunchbox that Mingyu's mother had brought him and showed it off, grinning and thanking Mrs Kim for making him lunch.

Wonwoo however, prayed that the day would go smoothly without Mingyu there, he had no one to protect him.

Maybe he would go to the library and read instead of going to the canteen, that's what he would do with Jun when they were friends, when Jun would go to his dance club.

Wonwoo had wanted to join as well but you had to pay a sum of money to get in so he decided to ditch it.

It made him feel guilty because Jun would try and convince him so much to join but he never had the money.

Especially when the money went to Chan's random dance lessons when they were offered.

And there he was, sitting in the library, sitting against an old wooden chair that all libraries seemed to have.

Reading a random book he had picked off the shelf, today he picked by cover, feeling too lazy to pick by blurb.

He hasn't gotten lunch, it was too crazy and he didn't want to be squished between the others behind him.

It had been months since he had last not eaten his lunch, it warmed his heart of how much he appreciated Mingyu.

After finishing the book easily, he wandered around in search of a new book when a body bumped into him, knocking him back with a slight surprise.

"Sorry." He muttered, not lifting his head as he tried to walk by but a hand stopped him, holding his arm tightly.

He lifted his head in confusion and furrowed his eyebrows. Standing in front of him stood Jun who had an angry look stamped on his face.

"Are you alright?" Wonwoo asked, grimacing internally, worry filling his head. The look on Jun's face was not one he had seen before and it honestly scared him.

"I've been told you've been spreading rumours about me, so can you stop." Jun spat, pushing Wonwoo back slightly.

Taken aback, Wonwoo opened his mouth, confused.

"What rumour? I haven't told anyone anything." Wonwoo replied, tripping over slightly as he was forcefully pushed back.

"Everyone's been telling me that it's you who's spreading lies, stop trying to deny it." Jun snarled, before pushing Wonwoo down that he fell, landing on the floor.

As he tried to get up a punch landed on his face, and groaning in pain he fell back to the floor, he tried to catch himself but ended up hitting his arm in the bookshelf beside him.

"Jun, I promise I didn't spread anything." Wonwoo cried, holding his arm that was stinging with pain. Jun however shook his head with a tut.

"You're just mad that I've moved on aren't you. Well sorry that you drag me down, it's all your fault that I couldn't make any other friends. You're a possessive jerk." Jun smirked, before walking out of the library, leaving a last kick to Wonwoo's leg.

Crying on the ground, he pressed a finger lightly to his bruising cheek and groaned. Why must everything be his fault?

Suddenly, a spot of red landed on his shirt and he quickly swiped his bloody nose.

He got up and ran to the toilet, his back aching as he tried to not limp from the kick to his leg.

He wiped away all the blood that was leaking from his nose and washed his face.

Cringing, he left the toilets and walked to the last lesson which had already started.

He stumbled in and the whole lesson seemed to have paused.

Everyone in the classroom stared at him like he'd had comityed murder and glares were sent straight for him.

Sighing he got to his seat and tried to not look anyone in the eye, even the teacher was being snarky with him. Usually when he was late she wouldn't say a word.

The bell rang and he was out of there like the flash. He walked back home and tried to put a smile on his face as he walked into his and Mingyu's shared room.

Mingyu sat at his desk, seemingly doing his school work. And once the door opened he turned, a grin on his face, but the grin soon turned sour and he shot up.

"You've got a bruise on your face, what happened?!" He shrieked, running his hand softly against Wonwoo's cheek, placing a kiss to the other.

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