Part 35

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'Blue-flamed fireworks flare-up'

"Alright, all done!" Mingyu cheered, clapping his hands as he spun Wonwoo around to look in the mirror.

It had been the hundredth time in an hour that Mingyu had styled his hair.

"Wow, it looks good." Wonwoo cringed, his hair stuck up in random places and was crispy with hairspray.

"You're lying." Mingyu pouted, resting his head on Wonwoo's shoulder wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"I'm not." Wonwoo replied, furrowing his eyebrows as he lied. He didn't like it- but he wasn't going to tell Mingyu that.

"It suits me really well." Wonwoo smiled, turning his head so he could place his lips against Mingyu's.

Sharing a kiss, Mingyu threw Wonwoo towards his bed and crawled on top of him, grinning.

Laughing, he placed his lips on Wonwoo's and gripped his jaw, causing it to fall open.

His hot tongue slipped through into Wonwoo's mouth, making him groan.

Their tongues clashed together and Wonwoo placed his hand on Mingyu's head, pulling him in deeper.

Sucking on Wonwoo's tongue, saliva fell down his chin and down his jaw.

Pulling away Wonwoo shook his head, scrunching up his nose as he pushed Mingyu away.

"Gross." He complained, grabbing a tissue to wipe his chin.

"You enjoyed it though." Mingyu smiled, wiping his own and pulling Wonwoo towards him, placing one last kiss to his lover's lips.

"Should we watch a movie, I know Chan has been begging us to." Mingyu suggested, pulling away from Wonwoo and walking out the door.

"Sure." Wonwoo answered, following him to tell Chan. Chan was particularly excited and was jumping around, Mingyu chasing after him.

"What should we watch?" Mingyu asked, turning on the television as Chan ran circles around the room.

"I want to watch... Hook!" Chan laughed, sitting beside Mingyu on the sofa.

"You guys start watching it then, and I'm just gonna go to the shop, what do you want?" Wonwoo asked, leaning down over Mingyu's head and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Chocolate!" Chan asked, cuddling up to Mingyu, his head on Mingyu's chest as his arms wrapped around his body.

Nodding, Mingyu looked up to Wonwoo, puckering out his lips giving a wink.

Blushing, Wonwoo kissed him and got his shoes on.

Wonwoo left to get snacks for them all, so he quickly ran to the shop and bought a couple of sweets and crisps for them all to share.

Getting home, he began putting the food into bowls, going into the pantry so he could get out the larger bowls, the Kim household seemed to not have any cupboards to keep their cutlery in.

They always had their fresh food in the cupboards, ready to use.

He tried to find them in the dark, but that was proven to be a mistake as he hit his arm on one of the shelves.

Groaning, he rubbed his arm and went to turn the light on but once he had turned around, Mingyu's step father stood there, closing the pantry door behind him.

In surprise, Wonwoo walked further back into the pantry hitting the back wall.

"Why did you pull your legs away Wonwoo? You didn't seem to mind for a while. Ah, I know. You want to keep it a secret from Mingyu." The man grinned, stepping forward towards Wonwoo, getting in his face.

"N-No, I thought it was Mingyu's hand, I didn't want you to touch me." Wonwoo replied, his face turning to the left sharply when the man lifted his hand in a fierce slap.

Wonwoo tried to cower away but he was now trapped in the man's arms, against the wall, his heartbeat rising as his breath quickened.

The man's putrid breath fanned his face, a sickly grin slapped on his mouth.

"You can't resist me, Wonwoo." He exclaimed, moving his hand forward to rest it on Wonwoo's waist, gripping it tightly.

"I've finally got you." He grinned, before forcefully turning Wonwoo around, causing the man to whimper.

"Ah." Wonwoo cried, his face now squished up against the wall, a hand pushing him still against the wall.

"Be quiet for me darling." The man whispered, pressing his lips to Wonwoo's neck that had marks all over it from Mingyu.

It made Wonwoo disgusting. He was pressing his lips all over the areas where Mingyu's love bites were placed.

The guy raised his hand and held Wonwoo's neck firmly towards the wall, making him unable to squirm around.

The other hand, groping Wonwoo in all the wrong places.

"Stop." Wonwoo cried, trying to push away but like last time, his grip was too strong.

"Stop resisting." The man warned, smashing Wonwoo's head into the wall. Groaning Wonwoo whimpered, his head feeling dizzy.

Soon after, Wonwoo's trousers were pulled down and flooded around his ankles.

"Stop please!" Wonwoo mumbled, his voice slurred as a slap was placed on his ass.

"This won't hurt. I promise." He mumbled, now taking off Wonwoo's underwear.

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo shouted, he needed him now, he was not going to let this happen to himself.

"Shut up." The man growled before whacking Wonwoo over the head, making him fall against the shelves and towards the floor.

Stripping off his belt, the man used it to hit Wonwoo in the back, getting him still as he unbuttoned his own trousers.

Wonwoo was now unmoving. He was on the brink of fainting, his back didn't hurt anymore.

All the pain was gone as a bit of blood spilled from his bed, he could only groan from the imaginary pain.

"Stay still baby." He spat, getting down and lifting Wonwoo's shirt. Wonwoo's vision had begun to blur and he had no hope that Mingyu had heard him.

Letting out a final whimper his eyes closed and he fell into unconsciousness.

Fortunately, as Wonwoo passed out, the door opened.

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