Part 16

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'Call my name'

Wonwoo continued walking his way to maths, his tears dribbling down his neck.

He picked his hand up and tried to wipe them away, but the salty substance only spread further across his cheeks.

"Wonwoo!" A loud voice called out, heavy footsteps approached Wonwoo but he kept his head low not wanting to be confronted by his boyfriend.

He got to the class door when two feet appeared in his view. Hands pressed against his shoulders and held him steady, making him unable to leave.

"Wonwoo, why did you leave?" Mingyu asked, one of his hands leaving Wonwoo's shoulder and touching his wet cheek, trying to lift his face so he could see it.

"Why are you crying?" He continued, waiting patiently for an answer, but after receiving none, he pulled Wonwoo into a hug.

He pressed a light kiss to Wonwoo's head and held him close. Wonwoo's head tucked into Mingyu's neck.

Wonwoo began to cry louder than before, as if his voice had been flicked on with a switch.

He wrapped his arms around Mingyu and held him tightly close, he didn't want him to move away from him.

"What happened? Wonwoo, tell me." Mingyu soothed, his hand running across Wonwoo's back. Wonwoo didn't tell him, however, he just wanted all his thoughts to run away.

"It was nothing." Wonwoo lied, his voice croaking. It had felt raw from the quiet sobbing.

"It wasn't nothing Wonwoo, if it was nothing, you wouldn't be crying like this." Mingyu countered, pulling away ever so slightly to see Wonwoo's face.

Wonwoo squinted as Mingyu wiped his cheeks, removing the hot tears that had streamed down his face.

"Come on, let's go to my house." Mingyu announced, hearing little protests, weakly falling out of Wonwoo's mouth as he lost the warmth of Mingyu's body warmth.

He pulled Wonwoo out of the school and led him to his house.

The walk wasn't as long as it seemed before, but that was probably because Wonwoo was spaced out the whole time.

"Here we are!" Mingyu grinned, dragging Wonwoo inside the house, helping him to get his shoes off before getting off his own.

Glancing around Wonwoo instantly felt jealous. The walls were perfectly white and the ground was crystal clear. Paintings hung from the walls, perfectly intact.

"Wow." Wonwoo muttered, not intending for Mingyu to hear.

"I know right, my mum likes to clean on the weekends, sometimes I help- depends on my mood." Mingyu announced, puffing his chest out slightly as he smiled.

"Anyways, enough of the house, let's go to my room." Mingyu declared before leading Wonwoo to his room.

Climbing up the stairs, they reached landing and a door opened, Mingyu gestured for Wonwoo to go through first and he timidly walked through, his eyes widening at the size of the room.

All that room for one person, Wonwoo's room was the size of Mingyu's bed.

Mingyu closed the door behind him and pulled Wonwoo towards his bed.

"Come on then." Mingyu whined, patting the space beside him on the bed.

Wonwoo's eyes widened and he slowly walked towards the bed, sitting on the very edge of the bed, feeling awkward if he sat fully on it.

"Don't be shy Wonwoo." Mingyu teased, pulling Wonwoo fully on the bed by the waist, pulling him towards his own body.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable." Mingyu nodded, wrapped his arms around Wonwoo who was now laid beside him.

His arms around the thin waist of Wonwoo, their faces inches apart.

"Mingyu." Wonwoo sweated, his hand intertwining with Mingyu's that laid across his torso.

"Yes." Mingyu whispered back, the room was almost painfully silent but the sound of breathing kept it alive.

"I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me. Because without you I don't think I would still be here, I would've probably ran away with Chan. So thank you for keeping me here and stable, I-I love you." Wonwoo finished, his eyes on everything but Mingyu. It was too embarrassing and his cheeks lit up, his whole face going red.

"Wonwoo, I love you too." Mingyu practically cried, a massive grin slapped across his face. Wonwoo felt himself smile back before a kiss planted on his cheek.

"I think that's the first time I've ever seen you smile." Mingyu announced, his face hurting by how much he was smiling.

"Sorry." Wonwoo said, pursing his lips as he gazed into Mingyu's eyes.

"Don't be sorry." Mingyu whispered, leaning in closer to Wonwoo's face. He pulled Wonwoo in closer and their faces were centimetres apart.

Wonwoo could feel the hot breath from Mingyu on his face, a blush resting softly on his face.

Mingyu bit his lip before leaning all the way in, his lips pressing against Wonwoo's in a soft kiss.

Their lips intertwined like their hands and they lightly pressed up against each other's.

Slowly, Mingyu pulled away, a small smile slapped on his face before he began pecking Wonwoo all over his face.

"Stop!" Wonwoo screeched, covering his red face.

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