Part 23

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It's not the right size, but this is so cute I couldn't not use it—

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It's not the right size, but this is so cute I couldn't not use it

'Tell me yes, a 'no' is no'

Wonwoo woke up still in Mingyu's arms, he could barely open his eyes because of how sore they were. Looking around.

There was sunlight blazing through the blinds on Mingyu's window, making him squint his eyes further from the blinding light.

Wonwoo attempted to get up, but there was a heavy weight on Mingyu's arm, trapping him in place.

He tried to move his arm but Mingyu's grip only tightened.

Groaning, he began tapping Mingyu's face, in an attempt of waking him up, but Mingyu barely even noticed the light tapping on his face.

"Mingyu wake up." Wonwoo croaked, slapping his face lightly, this time Mingyu reacting more than he did before.

"No." Mingyu pouted, snuggling further into Wonwoo's body, letting out a sigh as he began drifting into sleep once again.

"Get up!" Wonwoo moaned, pushing Mingyu away, this time finally getting out of his arms.

Mingyu pouted and held his arms out for Wonwoo to return to his arms but Wonwoo was now on the edge of the bed.

Grabbing Mingyu's phone, he messaged his phone that he left at home, hoping that Chan would get it and go to school without needing Wonwoo there.

When finally getting a reply, he sighed with relief before slipping back into the warm side of the bed, his head against Mingyu's chest as he cuddled up towards him.

Mingyu wrapped his arms unconsciously around his boyfriend's body and pulled him so he was pressed up against himself.

Just as he was about to drift off again, there was a knock on the door. The door opened just as quickly and the woman from yesterday walked through.

Lifting his head, Wonwoo stared at the woman, bringing in two glasses of water.

"Sorry, don't mind me." She spoke up, putting the drinks on the desk side table.

"It's alright." Wonwoo replied, and the woman smiled warmly at him, she patted his raised head before running towards the door with a grin on her face before she disappeared from his view.

Shaking his head in confusion he went to cuddle back into Mingyu but he had already woken up fully, looking around with a dazed look.

He glanced and saw the two drinks and began complaining.

"Sorry about my mum, she doesn't know the word privacy." Mingyu grunted, pulling Wonwoo towards himself and began once again drifting off.

"Mingyu, we can't sleep in any longer." Wonwoo announced the other whine, pulling away from Mingyu who only pulled him closer.

"Fine." Mingyu grumbled, his arms lazily wrapped around Wonwoo's body.

"But we aren't going to school today." Mingyu grinned, pressing his lips to Wonwoo's.

"Why not?" Wonwoo asked, placing another kiss on Mingyu's cheek.

"Because I don't want to." Mingyu grinned cheekily, poking Wonwoo continuously on the ribs.

"Stop!" Wonwoo laughed, squirming away from Mingyu.

"Come on, let's go have breakfast." Mingyu announced, pulling himself up from the warm bed.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, Wonwoo watched as Mingyu ran around the kitchen, trying to remember how to make pancakes.

"You know, we could just have cereal." Wonwoo spoke up but was quickly shushed by Mingyu.

"I want to make you something nice, anyway I'm starting now." Mingyu replied, taking a deep breath before he began tackling the ingredients.

Shaking his head, Wonwoo laid it down on the table, closing his eyes for a silent moment before hearing a loud bang.

"Ah!" Mingyu shouted. Wonwoo lifted his head preparing for what happened, but just saw the pancake batter that he was preparing for Wonwoo on the floor.

Wonwoo tried to hold his laugh back but couldn't help but giggle slightly.

Mingyu pouted and his boyfriends reaction before laughing along, cleaning up the batter that had fallen on the floor.

"I guess cereal it is." Mingyu chuckled, taking a couple boxes out and giving Wonwoo a choice between each box.

He filled up the bowl and poured the milk, handing it to Wonwoo who began eating.

Once he was finished, he looked through Mingyu's phone, looking through his boyfriend's weird camera roll.

He kept coming across the others' selfies that were probably taken a couple years ago.

"What are you laughing at?" Mingyu asked, his mouth full of cereal. He kept trying to look over Wonwoo's shoulder, still trying to find what he was laughing about.

"Nothing." Wonwoo said, trying to stop himself from laughing like a maniac.

"Kiss me." Mingyu began pleading, but every time Wonwoo would shake his head.

"Wonwoo, kiss me." Mingyu whined, trying to pull Wonwoo close but he still refused.

Soon enough after all of the begging, Mingyu finally got a kiss and he sat back all giddy, smiling to himself.

"You're so weird." Wonwoo laughed, feeling a sneaky kiss land on his cheek.

Soon enough he could hear heels clicking along the floor and Mingyu's mum had walked through the door.

She placed the bag she was holding beside Mingyu and kissed his head before she left into the room beside the kitchen.

"I'll be going to work in a second, don't mind me." She smiled, walking out of the room with her coat.

This was different, the person who worked in his house was his dad, and he wasn't even sure if that job was real.

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