Part 3

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'Though I try to hold it back everyday'

Art was finally finished and throughout the whole time in art he listened to Mingyu talk about why he was doing all his paintings wrong and how he should do them in the future.

Wonwoo liked to think that he was going to take on all of Mingyu's advice- but he wasn't.

He dragged himself out of school and began to walk home. He strolled to the shop and bought himself some food for him and Chan to eat for dinner.

He left the building and continued his way back home, hearing fast footsteps behind him.

Turning around he saw Mingyu practically running towards him. Stopping, he waited for Mingyu to catch up.

"God, you walk so fast, I was about to run." Mingyu pants, leaning against Wonwoo as he hunched over slightly.

"Why do you want to walk with me anyway?" Wonwoo questioned, looking up to Mingyu who walked beside him, smiling as he looked around the neighbourhood they walked through.

"Because, you're walking the same way as me, so I wanted to walk with you." Mingyu grinned, swaying his arms as he blushed, looking at Wonwoo who was now looking forward.

"Where do you live- oh shit sorry, I walked past my house." Mingyu groaned, they had walked past it a couple minutes ago but Mingyu was too busy admiring Wonwoo to notice.

"Oh okay, bye." Wonwoo mumbled as Mingyu ran the way they had come from.

Wonwoo soon finally got a move on knowing Chan was waiting for him at home.

Seeing the window was shut in his room he cursed and knew he had to go through the door.

Peeking to the driveway, his fathers car wasn't there, so his mother must've been in the house alone all day, meaning that the glass had been cleaned up.

His mother had a tendency to clean the whole house up when his dad wasn't home, she would clean it top to bottom.

Sometimes when she would clean his and Chan's room she would find money and steal it so she could buy some new ornaments that end up getting smashed anyway.

That's why Wonwoo began to store it away, hiding it.

Wonwoo silently tried to get through the door without her noticing but as he stepped on the first step of the stairs, it creaked making Wonwoo grimace so much that it hurt.

"Wonwoo, is that you?" His mother called out, her voice breaking as she called out his name. "Come here please." She ordered Wonwoo slumped down the stairs, in fake shock to her knowing his name.

"What do you want?" Wonwoo asked, knowing how the conversation would go.

She did this all the time, that's why he tried to avoid it as much as possible.

"Why do I never see you anymore, it's like you're never here?" His mother questioned, her face squashed up making him groan internally, she was going to start crying.

"Maybe because you and dad are always fighting, why do I have to see you?" Wonwoo responded, biting his lip as his mothers eyes began to leak tears.

"Wonwoo, I try to see you, but all you do is ignore me. It makes me feel like shit all the time." His mother sobbed, clutching tightly on her arm.

Wonwoo watched, sniffling, biting his lip harder as his mum began to sob louder.

Cringing, he shook his head walking away as his mother called for him. He couldn't deal with that before work.

He got to his room and wiped his eyes, there may have not been any tears but there should have been.

He got into his room and saw Chan sitting down doing his homework.

"Is mum alright?" Chan asked, lifting his head to see his brother run his hands down his face as he leant against the door.

"She's fine, just her usual tantrum." Wonwoo announced. "Right, I've got time before work, so you want to watch a movie as we eat again?" Wonwoo inquired, opening the small bag of food and handing Chan his dinner.

"Yes please!" Chan grinned, sitting on Wonwoo's bed, his food sat in front of him and Wonwoo steadied his phone up so they could watch a movie.

He sat back and the movie started and Chan happily started eating. Kissing his brother's head, he began to eat his food.

Soon enough, the time for work rolled around and Wonwoo began getting ready.

"If they get loud, put on your headphones, here's my phone. Keep the window open and the door locked." Wonwoo instructed, and Chan saluted to his older brother.

Saluting back, Wonwoo jumped out of the window and ran to work, walking his usual way to work.

He turned to an alleyway and gripped the pen in his hand, ready if someone was to attack.

"Hello there." A jarry voice called out, Wonwoo began to walk faster but the man was quicker and was able to catch up with him.

Wonwoo was pushed against the wall in an instance and a man pushed up against him.

"Aren't you pretty." The man announced, biting his lip as he let his eyes spy down Wonwoo's body.

The man's grubby hands rested against Wonwoo's waist as he pushed against him.

Wonwoo kept his head away from the man's face, not even getting a look at him. He pushed his body back, trying to sink into the brick wall but he couldn't.

He breathed loudly and heavily waiting for the perfect moment to slip away.

His head shook and the grip he had on his own loosened, he dropped it to the floor.

The man's hands tried to grip lower, but out of adrenaline, Wonwoo threw his arm around, crashing it into the man's head before he wobbly ran away, forgetting his pen.

Tears almost streaked down his face, but he couldn't, his tears were frozen from the fear.

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