Part 5

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'But it's not working so well'

Wonwoo wakes up with the sun blinding his sensitive eyes. They were raw from crying most of the night. Pulling himself out of bed, he stopped momentarily, staring ahead.

"Fuck." Wonwoo swore, finally getting up and shaking his brother awake.

Chan woke up and looked curiously at Wonwoo who was packing his bag for him. He wouldn't usually, maybe when he was younger but not now.

Knowingly he distanced himself from his older brother and changed his clothes.

Wonwoo walked out of the room and got his teeth brushed, helping Chan with his toothbrush also.

"Come on, we'll leave early today so we don't get caught by mum." Wonwoo announced, grabbing his and Chan's bags so they wouldn't waste anymore time.

"What do you want to eat today?" Wonwoo questions his brother, his voice scratchy as he speaks.

"Can I have some fruit?" Chan asked, looking towards the cheapest container of different types of fruit.

Nodding Wonwoo brought them for him and grabbed a fork so he could eat them.

"Wash your hands when you get into school, okay. See you later." Wonwoo waved, and he finally set off to get to his own school.

Even with his face pace to get to school he still got there slightly later than usual.

He began to walk to the entrance when someone bumped into him.

"Hello stranger." Mingyu smiled, nudging shoulders with the other. "How was your evening last night?" Mingyu asked, as innocent as his question was, it reminded Wonwoo of everything he wanted to get away from.

"It was fine, boring as every other evening I guess." He lied, as if he was going to tell Mingyu all of his problems when he barely knows this guy.

"Oh well, a boring night is better than a stressful one. I was up all night studying." Mingyu announced. Mingyu hadn't looked tired, he looked fresh and hyped, the total opposite of Wonwoo, who probably looked like he hadn't slept in years.

"Studying, for what?" Wonwoo asked, pausing, they had two lessons together and he hoped that he wasn't studying for a test in one of those lessons.

"Maths, we've got a test today." Mingyu said, scratching his neck as he realised Wonwoo had completely forgotten about it.

"Shit, why didn't Miss say anything about it." Wonwoo grimaced, he should've been studying in the library rather than staying for lunch with Mingyu.

"It's fine, it's only a small assessment." Mingyu reassured, patting Wonwoo's back as the other hunched over slightly, panicking and trying to make up a plan that he'll never achieve.

"Like that makes that better." Wonwoo glared before they reached their first lesson, Maths. "I've got no time to study shit." He cried before he went in and sat down, Mingyu following him along.

At lunch, Mingyu sat with his food in front of him whilst Wonwoo sat down, an empty table in front of him as usual.

"Do you ever eat lunch? Come on, have some of mine." Mingyu offered, putting it in front of Wonwoo. But the other didn't want it and kept denying Mingyu's offer.

Pouting Mingyu looked around before getting up entirely. Wonwoo watched confused as the other got into the dinner line.

Shaking his head, Wonwoo sunk back into his chair and waited for Mingyu to come back, not like he missed him or anything.

Soon enough a tray was placed in front of Wonwoo, causing him to look up at Mingyu who returned to his seat with a grin slapped on his face, feeling heroic in a type of way.

"I'm not really sure what you like, so I got you a range of stuff." He announced. Wonwoo looked down at the tray of food and his eyes widened.

"For me, why?" Wonwoo asked, looking back and forth between Mingyu and the tray.

"Because you never eat, and I want you to eat." Mingyu explained, his cheeks flushing lightly.

Wonwoo looked at the food and sighed and got his wallet out, passing some money to Mingyu.

"For lunch." Wonwoo muttered, but the money was quickly passed back to him.

"It's alright, you don't need to pay me back." Mingyu responded. Wonwoo skeptically put his money back and nibbled on the food that Mingyu had given him.

He had never eaten lunch, he wondered if it would stay in his stomach or he would puke it up for eating too early.

Tears almost came to his eyes when he remembered the reason why he never ate lunch at all.

He remembered all the time when he would be hungry at lunch and sometimes teachers would get worried over the lack of pack lunches he wouldn't have when he was in primary school.

He was lucky that he had the money to pay for Chan's lunches at his school, so he didn't have to suffer the same fate that he did.

Soon enough the bell rang and Wonwoo put some of the pieces he hadn't eaten in his bag.

"Thank you for buying me lunch." Wonwoo nodded, he wanted to smile to be appreciative but the smile never formed on his face, he could only keep the same blank stare he always had.

"Don't worry about it." Mingyu smiled, a blush covering his cheeks before he watched Wonwoo leave for his lesson.

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