Part 27

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'My wand is an alarm-breaker'

Walking into school, Mingyu swayed their hands with a grin on his face as he laughed at everything Wonwoo was saying.

He ignored his mates as they walked past them, the four of them sending daggers towards the couple.

"How are they still together?" Seokmin sneered, crossing his arms as he turned towards his locker. Ignoring the bright couple.

"You have English?" Mingyu asked, leading them the way to Wonwoo's English classroom.

"No." Wonwoo lied, his comment making Mingyu stop in confusion, turning towards Wonwoo as he squinted at him.

"Yeah you do." Mingyu countered, still pulling Wonwoo towards English.

"Then why did you ask?" Wonwoo asked laughing, he shook his head at his boyfriend, the other huffing with a pout and continued to drag Wonwoo to English.

"I'll see you later." Mingyu smiled, pressing his lips to Wonwoo's forehead.

"Yes, have fun with your dreadful teacher. She'll love it when you walk through the door." Wonwoo teased, pressing a kiss to Mingyu's cheek as the other groaned.

"She pisses me off so much." He grunted before walking away to his own class. Wonwoo smiled and walked into his classroom, getting into his seat.

The teacher wasn't in yet but the bell had rung. Not many people were in the classroom, just Wonwoo and two other students.

The door loudly opened and thinking it was the teacher, Wonwoo lifted his head up before seeing that it wasn't.

The guy who had walked in, grinned at Wonwoo and sent him a wink before strolling over to his seat which was towards the back of the classroom- as far away from Wonwoo as possible.

Cringing, he sank in his seat and looked down at his books. He hoped that the wink wasn't for him, praying that it was an accident.

Once class had actually started, Wonwoo could feel a pair of eyes staring lasers into the back of his head.

Tapping his foot against the floor, he wanted desperately to disappear.

Looking around his eyes met with the guy who had winked at him, with a grimace he turned away and kept his head down, slumping further into his chair.

Taking a deep breath he waited for the bell to ring and once it did, he shot off to Mingyu's classroom.

He waited outside of the door as Mingyu got told off by his teacher for the hundredth time that month.

Mingyu stumbled out with a murderous look on his face, but it quickly slipped away as he saw Wonwoo waiting for him at the door.

"She's still a bitch, I would've thought she'd have been better after the weekend." Mingyu cried, slipping his hand into Wonwoo's.

"Off to art?" He asked with a grin before he kissed his boyfriend's head.

But the eerie feeling of someone watching him did not leave Wonwoo's mind, in fact it felt worse.

At lunch, Wonwoo waited for Mingyu as he got Wonwoo his lunch.

This time Wonwoo watched Mingyu leave and as he got in the line, distracting himself.

His leg jittering nervously as the line seemed long and he didn't want to be alone for too long.

However, even though his gaze was on Mingyu, he didn't realise that someone stranger had sat next to him.

Finally realising he turned back and eyed the person who had begun to sit next to him.

Panicking, he saw the creep that had stared at him in English, sitting rather close to him in Mingyu's seat.

"Sorry, that seat is taken." Wonwoo explained, trying to get the guy to move out of Mingyu's seat, and so the weird man could get away from him.

"I don't see anyone sitting here." The guy snarled, an angry look forming on his face.

"Anyway, what's your name pretty and why are you here alone?" The guy sarcastically pouted.

"I'm not alone, I'm waiting for my boyfriend." Wonwoo tried to warn, but hopefully the guy would get the message.

But by the way the guy was leaning into Wonwoo it appears that he didn't.

"Boyfriend, you're really funny." The guy laughed, leaning into Wonwoo with a smirk on his face.

"Can you move away please, you're too close." Wonwoo muttered, his leg moving faster as his heartbeat rose, his hands becoming sweaty.

"I don't think we're that close, anyways you haven't told me your name." The guy muttered. Wonwoo bit his lip to the point that it bled, before he felt fingers dotting across his thigh, poking lightly.

"I'll move over." Wonwoo announced but his thigh was gripped tightly, not letting him leave.

Wonwoo shrieked in surprise and tried to move his leg away but the man's nails were digging into his skin.

"Don't you dare fucking move." The guy whispered, yanking Wonwoo closer by the thigh and raising his hand higher to grasp the covered flesh.

"Let me go." Wonwoo cried, trying to push away the guys wandering hand from his middle thigh but he wouldn't listen and continued to smirk at the distress Wonwoo was in.

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