Part 37

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Sorry it keeps saying I've finished the book when I haven't it's so annoying!!!

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Sorry it keeps saying I've finished the book when I haven't it's so annoying!!!

'it will colour the classroom'

Wonwoo finally went back to school, he walked through the halls and people still stared at him like he was an alien.

Totally different to them.

Although he wasn't surprised, he didn't think that everyone was going to like him when Jun skyrocketed in status.

He stayed away from anyone though, so they weren't able to speak to him, but it didn't stop anyone from shouting at him, even inside the library.

"Hey Wonwoo, why did you make up that lie about Jun?" A voice called out, causing Wonwoo to cringe so much it would hurt.

Everyone would ask him why he made up the rumour that he supposedly spread around school. When there is so much proof that he hadn't.

Jun doesn't even talk to him anymore and it's not like Wonwoo has a little entourage behind his back. But they were convinced that he had spread it, no excuses allowed.

Mingyu still wasn't at school, so he stuck in the library again, usually it was peaceful.

Unlike that event with Jun. But he still went back, he didn't want anyone finding him to call him out for creating drama.

"Oi Wonwoo!" A voice called out. Wonwoo turned in confusion and looked at the faces catching up to him, Seokmin and his little gang, who were jogging over to him, grins on their faces.

He stopped momentarily and was about to walk off but he was already pushed against the wall, two of them holding Wonwoo up against the wall, their hands bruising his skin.

He desperately tried to get out of their restraints, his breath becoming heavy as his head became dizzy.

Seokmin stood in front of him with an evil grin on his face as he looked at Wonwoo, the other groaning as his back arched in pain.

He squirmed around and tried to get away from the arms that sinked him into the wall, unable to move.

"Get your phone out Jihoon." Seokmin laughed, taking out a lip balm and swiping it across his lips.

"We need evidence of this little affair." Seokmin giggled, throwing his back to the side.

"Let go so it looks real, we need Mingyu to believe this." Seokmin told them, his minions nodding, their nails digging into Wonwoo's arms making him groan.

"Can you not?" Wonwoo cried, trying to shake their hands off of his arms.

"Let me go." He continued to beg, tears slipping down his face.

It felt all too familiar and his heart raced, panic making him shake.

"We can't do that Wonwoo, we still want you gone and this is the only way to do it." Minghao claimed, running his hand down Wonwoo's tear streaked face, a smirk overcoming his face.

"I'm ready, I might need to get a cleaner for my lips after this though." Seokmin laughed, letting Jihoon know to start filming.

Giggling to himself, he stepped forward taking Wonwoo's arms nodding before he placed his lips on Wonwoo's.

He tightly kept his arms down, not letting him squirm away.

Wonwoo tried to pull away but only smacked his head on the wall.

Seokmin kept leaning in, his lips moving across Wonwoo's unmoving lips.

Whining, Wonwoo finally pushed Seokmin away. The minions laughed as Seokmin grinned, wiping his lips.

"Thank you Wonwoo, for your time." Seungkwan chuckled, the four of them walking out of the library, giggling to themselves.

Wonwoo sunk down to the floor, rubbing his lips, he wanted the taste of him away. He didn't want to feel his lips on his, he didn't want to be harassed.

Again, this had happened, each time more distressing than before.

Teachers always vow that school is supposed to be the safest place for a person to be- Wonwoo didn't feel so safe.

Crying out he shoved his head in his knees, loud sobs  racking his body. He needed to wash his lips.

He got up and ran to the bathroom, using all the paper towels to rub his lips, he rubbed it with wet tissue paper and soap and before he could feel clean enough, his lips started bleeding.

The vigorous scrubbing made his lips bleed and he began to cry again. They had probably sent it to Mingyu and the whole school.

What was Mingyu going to think? Wonwoo was a cheater, he didn't deserve Mingyu's love. Mingyu was going to leave him! Mingyu was going to hate him.

Similar thoughts ran around Wonwoo's head, the poor boy's heartbeat increased and his heart rate picked up. He couldn't breathe, he just couldn't stop thinking.

Pulling his hair, he sat on the toilet floor, rocking himself. He needed Mingyu to tell him to calm down, he needed him to look after him.

He needed Mingyu.

Wonwoo clawed at his throat as he was being restricted from the air. Crawling to a bathroom stall, Wonwoo threw up, blood mixed along with the bile.

He could finally breathe again, but the lingering worry still ran around his head.

He needed to get to Mingyu before he got the video and explain it, he didn't want him to be angry at him, he never wanted Mingyu to be angry at him.

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