Part 11

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'Bibbidi bobbidi our magic island'

The place they had been at was a museum, it had fashion through the decades and architecture.

It was a lovely building, but Chan kept trying to touch things and setting the alarms off, Mingyu eventually getting involved and put a jacket on when it was off limits.

Wonwoo felt like he was looking after two children.

Mingyu took the two of them to a restaurant, it was midday and Chan had started to get an appetite, once again moaning about how his stomach was growling and roaring like a dinosaur.

Wonwoo was insisting that he would be the one to pay, but Mingyu wouldn't let him. He tried to sneak his card in to pay for the food but Mingyu had beat him with a fast arm and the cashier had already taken his card.

Wonwoo pouted and sat down beside Chan who was playing with the menus that were on the table, the pepper and salt on different sides of the walls of menus before they began attacking each other.

Mingyu watched and began to join in with little packets of sauce, saying that they were angels and guardians. Chan began to play along and soon they were battling witches before their food came.

Chan was about to dig in when Wonwoo stopped him.

"Chan, manners." Wonwoo announced, tilting his head to Mingyu's direction.

"Thank you Mingyu for buying us lunch." Chan rushed out before he finally dug in, his knife scraping all over his plate.

"No problem, I'd do it again." Mingyu smiled, patting Chan on the head before tipping his head to Wonwoo, he placed a sweet kiss on his cheek before getting on his own lunch.

Wonwoo blushed and started his own food, never did he want this moment to end.

After Chan got dessert, Wonwoo had pulled the three of them into a small corner shop, full of different toys and ornaments.

One he had recognised, he had seen it smashed all over the living room floor before he fled to his room.

He found two small bears, one white, one brown. They were fluffy and small, perfect for a little present.

He checked the price tag and cringed. Biting his lip he checked his bank before going to the cashier, getting them wrapped up specially.

He had made sure Mingyu wasn't lurking around somewhere so he could pay for them both.

He thanked the cashier before heading around the shop. Listening to the voice of Mingyu which was naturally the loudest thing in the world.

Hearing two loud laughs, Wonwoo turned the corner to find Mingyu being attacked by Chan who had a lightsaber in his hands.

Wonwoo paused, leaning against the side wall, waiting for them to notice him.

"Ah Wonwoo, you scared me. How long have you been standing there for?" Mingyu asked, standing up with messy hair getting Chan to put the lightsaber back.

"You look like my mum when she's pissed at me." Mingyu laughed, but Wonwoo didn't get it, neither did Chan so he kept awkwardly laughing before he noticed the bags in Wonwoo's hands.

"What did you get? I didn't pay for it." Mingyu whined, moving forward to look inside.

"I got it for you and one for Chan." Wonwoo announced, handing the purple bag to Mingyu and the blue bag to Chan who had a smile on his face, reaching to give his brother a hug.

"Thank you Wonwoo." Chan grinned, stomping his feet in excitement as he opened the bag. He saw the teddy and gasped, his eyes lighting up.

"Yay! Finally I needed a new one, mum threw away Snow Bear." Chan pouted before crushing the bear in his arms.

"Wait what?" Wonwoo snapped, 'Snow Bear' was the teddy bear that Wonwoo got from his brother when he was born.

Chan was inseparable from it, the would carry it everywhere with him, it was fed when he was fed and bathed when he was bathed.

"Yeah, I couldn't find him, I looked in the bins but they were empty." Chan responded, handing Wonwoo the bag as he began skipping with his new bear, which was now called 'Snow Bear's Wife' since he had given him the white one.

Sighing Wonwoo looked down with a huff before looking at Mingyu who's eyes glistened with admiration.

"Thank you Wonwoo." Mingyu almost cried, he pulled Wonwoo into a hug and kissed his head.

Wonwoo felt himself grimace at the closeness but melted in the others arms.

"You're welcome." Wonwoo winked, pulling away from Mingyu.

Soon enough, they were back on the train, Chan sat beside Wonwoo as he cuddled into him, asleep.

Kissing his head, he wrapped an arm around his brother, keeping him close.

Mingyu smiled at Chan and held Wonwoo's hand, his own eyes fluttering close as the train began to leave the station.

Wonwoo stayed awake successfully, he watched as the city got further and further away, and the countryside began to show through the countless trees.

Wonwoo knew where he was going to go when he finally would be able to get away, taking everyone he loves with him.

Arriving back in the same dull town, Wonwoo woke the two boys up and they all stumbled their way out. It was becoming dark as they reached Mingyu's house.

Saying their goodbyes, Chan hugged Mingyu tightly, Mingyu squeezing him just as tight. Before they parted, Wonwoo got a kiss on the cheek and a hug. He had started to get jealous when his brother was hogging Mingyu.

The two returned home, Chan practically passing out from exhaustion. He knew he wouldn't be able to get Chan through the window, so he risked it and walked through the front door.

Their parents were shouting as loud as ever and Wonwoo panicked. He shoved his phone into Chan's hands and glanced around.

"Phone, headphones on now." He rushed, nodding, Chan ran upstairs, drawing the attention of his parents who went silent.

"Wonwoo, Chan?" His father called out and Wonwoo stepped forward.

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