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"What's up with you?" Kinley asks me as we sit down at our lunch table.

The truth is, I'm so tired. So tired that I fell asleep twice in math and once in history. I'm tired because Chris and I stayed up late last night, I don't even have to go further.

"Tired," I answer shortly, I hate being short with her but even talking takes away energy.

"You're always tired, Caira," Kinley rolls her eyes and that's when our friend Jessica joins us. Jessica and Kinley are my two best friends other than Chris. Everyone needs their girlfriends. Even though I love hanging out with Chris, people will start to think that I'm just desperate to get in his pants. Which is only partly true.

"What about Caira being tired?" Jessica asks, popping a fattening looking fry into her mouth.

"Your disgusting," I say and make a face at the pile of food on her plate. Jessica is by no means fat. She's probably one of the skinniest people I know. It sucks because I can't eat whatever I want like she can, I have to watch the calories and how much I eat. I say if a girl wants to eat than she should eat. But people are so judgmental now-a-days that's it hard to live by that motto.

"Does it look like I'm being affected?" Jessica asks, running her hand up and down her body.

"Caira here, is always falling asleep in Math class, she's always tired," Kinley fills Jessica in. Jessica stops mid-chew and stares at me as if I've grown a second head.

"What are you doing at night?" Jessica asks, chewing her food more slowly than before. No, my friends do not know that Chris and I have a 'Friends With Benefits' thing going on. No matter how much I hate the label, it's true. Chris and I use each other for pleasure.

"Studying," I shrug, luckily before Jess can respond Chris sets his tray down next to mine and plopping down on the bench.

"What are you girls talking about?" He asks.

"Why Caira is always so tired," Kinley smirks. Chris gives them a weird look before shaking his head and returning to eat his cheese burger.

Oh how I wish I could eat that thing. Just looking at it is making my mouth water. Anything is better than a salad all day everyday.

"You okay there, Caira, you look like you've fallen in love," Kinley teases and my eyes snap up to hers than back down to my Chicken Caesar Salad.

"I hate fucking salads," I groan and stick a piece of lettuce in my mouth. The worst part is I can only use very little ranch, whats a salad without ranch? Nothing. It's just a pile of fucking lettuce!

"Than why do you eat them?" Chris asks with a mouthful of burger. My face turns in disgust.

"First, swallow your food before speaking, second, I'm trying to watch my weight," I mumble the last part. No matter how I see myself, my friends always tell me that I'm skinny and have nice curves. I don't see it. And it gets me really fucking upset.


"Don't. I know what your all going to say, and just to let you know I don't believe it for one fucking second. I'm not skinny and I am most definitely not pretty, so save yourself the time and heart ache and just not try." I stand up, taking my salad with me and begin to walk away. I don't know why I'm so mad, but it's hard to think that my friends think I'm skinny while I don't. I hate my body.

"Caira, where are you going?" Chris calls after me.

"For a run," I answer back. I ignore the calls from the girls and the stares as I stomp out of the cafeteria doors and throw my salad bowl into the garbage.

Who needs to eat when you can not eat and lose weight faster?


When I finish my run after school I head up to my room. Hoping to take a shower and a nap. Though my plans are completely rearranged when low-and-be-hold Chris is sitting on my bed, on his phone.

"Your back," Chris says, looking relieved. I quietly mumble a 'yes' and go over to my dresser. "You left."

"No shit," I mutter and start going through my drawers for clothes.

"Caira, I think your working yourself too hard. Your not fat," Chris says and once again I feel anger boil inside of me. I slam my drawer shut and turn so I'm facing him.

"Did you not hear what I said back there? I told you that I don't need you telling me I'm not fat, or I'm not ugly! You know why? Because I think I am, I think I'm fat and ugly and everything else," I hadn't realized I was crying until a water droplet fell on to my running shirt. Chris takes two long strides towards me and envelopes me in his arms.

"You need to stop thinking that. I hate knowing that you think that, Caira, it hurts me to see you upset like this. I want you to know that any guy will love you for who you are. I think your so pretty, so beautiful and I don't think your fat at all. I like that your not afraid to eat a lot, I like that your not a toothpick like those other girls." He goes on listing all the things he likes about me, and I'm starting to feel a little better. Just something about him saying these things makes me feel...more confident almost.

Chris has always been my best friend and what he says means a lot to me. If he were to say I was fat I would stop eating entirely and if he were to say I was ugly I would pile high on makeup until I was allowed to have plastic surgery. He doesn't understand the smallest things he says, mean so much to me.

"You don't think I'm ugly?" I ask and look up into his beautiful green eyes.

"Not at all, in fact I'll show you how beautiful I think you are," he says, his eyes growing a shade darker. Chris keeps his eyes on me as he slides my athletic shirt up my stomach. Revealing my tanned skin.

Chris attaches his lips to mine after pulling my shirt all the way off, leaving me in my sports bra and yoga pants. His lips are greedy against mine, his tongues eagerly slipping into my mouth and playing with mine.

Moaning I find the hem of his shirt and pull it up his sculpted stomach, he pulls away from my lips only to pull his shirt over his head.

"So beautiful," he says breathlessly and his lips are back on mine. Chris slowly backs us up, the top of my calfs hitting my bed and making us fall on top of it. Chris hovering over me, putting his weight on his elbows so he won't crush me.

"Chris..." I moan as he latches his lips to my neck, peppering it with wet, open mouth kisses. I can feel how hard he is through his jeans and I can't help but arch my back to press myself against him more.

"Fuck..." Chris groans, my bra is already off and before I know it my yoga pants are slipped off my legs and I'm in the middle of unbuttoning Chris's jeans.

When I finally get them off the only thing that is left are my very thinned fabric panties and his boxers that are becoming tighter by the second.

"Off..." he moans into my mouth, referring to my panties. I slowly slide them off, just to tease him a bit. Soon enough Chris has his boxers off and is positioned right above my entrance.

"Chris..." I beg and he thrusts into me...hard. I arch my back and grip onto his biceps as he keeps slamming into me. His lips still attached to my neck, surely leaving a hickey in the mean time.

"," he gasps and his lips are once again on mine. Our tongues fighting for dominance as Chris keeps thrusting into me, making the orgasm last as long as it possibly can.

"Chris..." I moan loudly, my walls are starting to tense as I reach the end of my orgasm. With one last moan of his name Chris comes undone at the same time as me and we both let our breathing even out. Chris's head on my bare chest. "Thank you."


Another chapter, I'm just on a roll this weekend. Just kidding, but hopefully I will be updating once a day.

I hope you enjoy the two cheater I have up.


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