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Kinley and Jessica sit there with their mouths hanging agape, wide eyed, not saying a word. I'm starting to get a little worried that they'll think differently of me. I want to tell them that this was never meant to happen, that I never meant to do this.

"Y-you're pregnant?" Kinley sputters out. I feel the tears prick my eyes as I take in the realization of the situation. I only nod, not trusting my voice. I can feel my bottom lip trembling, I can hardly see through my eyes due to the tears that are building a wall against my sight.

"Ho-how did this happen?" Jessica speaks up just as a tear slips out of Kinley's eye. I blink a couple times and lick my dry lips before speaking.

"It wasn't supposed to happen-I never meant for this to happen," I sob, burying my face into my hands. The sobs shake my body violently and yet my two best friends don't come to comfort me. I guess I can't really blame them. When I've finally sobered up, my sobs becoming hiccups, I speak. "I was on the pill I forgot to take it one day, and here I am."

"Who's the father?" Kinley's voice is strained, her cheeks tear stained. That's the exact question I've been dreading. I was anxious and worried enough about telling them about my pregnancy, but what will they do when they find out Chris is the father?

"I-I-I..." I can't let it out, I just take in the look on their faces and break down into tears. I thought that they would keep a safe distance from me like last time, but they don't, instead they both rush over to my side and wrap their arms around my body.

"Shh, it's okay you don't have to tell us, yet." I hear Kinley whisper in a soothing voice. The both of them keep whispering calming things into my ear while I let my tears take over.

I've been crying so much lately, I'm surprised that I haven't run out of fluid in my body. I wish I could just not cry, but it's partly because of the pregnancy hormones.

After ten minutes go by I find myself calming down and lying my head on Kinley's shoulder. The room envelopes in silence, but I welcome it. I need to get my shit together.

My best friends deserve to know who the father is. It's inevitable that they do, I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I don't want it to seem like Chris and I have been dating behind their backs or anything, that it was a no strings attached deal. Then what? They'll think I'm a fucking whore! That's what they'll thing.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to them and wiping the remaining tears left under my eyes and on my cheeks. My cheeks feel sticky and flushed, but I have no time to think about my appearance for my friends want to hear the story.

"Don't apologize," Jessica whispers while moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"You deserve to know. To know who the father is." I make sure to take deep breaths before waiting for their reply.

"We want to help as best as we can. And I feel the only way to do that is if you tell us," Kinley explains soothingly. She's completely right.

I nod. "Okay...I'll tell you. Just keep an open mind, okay?" I look at the two of them.

"Of course," Jess widens her eyes in alarm. "We'll always be here for you, Caira."

"Well, where do I start?" The beginning would he best. "The night of my sixteenth birthday party, I don't know if it was the slight buzz I had or the vacancy of common sense, but I decided to give my virginity away. Usually, you give it away to someone who loves you, cares for you. I kept all these things in mind when I did it. This guy," I look down at my intertwined hands as tears start to form. "He cared for me like no other guy did. He may have not loved me, I don't even know if I loved him, but I decided he was the one. So I gave it away that night, I had no regrets, I actually thought this would open a new door for us, something more than friends.

"Though, it didn't. He didn't like commitment and I guess I knew this before I gave him everything I had. He said that he didn't want a relationship, that he couldn't handle one. He was an extreme player, and I knew that, yet I let myself fall for him more and more each day.

"We both agreed on a deal. A no-strings-attached deal. I did it because I liked him and would do anything for him. I got on the pill to be safe. The friends-with-benefits thing went on for about two months or so, before this happened. I don't remember which time it was, but I forgot to take the pill. I didn't know it at the time. I still wouldn't have known if it wasn't for this."

I pause, looking between Kinley and Jessica for any signs of emotion. They don't have any, though. They're faces are blank, probably contemplating who this mystery guy is. They'll know soon enough.

"One day I was walking in the hallways and fainted. Someone brought me to the nurses office and she kept asking me all these questions. That's when I realized I hadn't gotten my period in over two months. I missed two. Before then I was noticing that I was having weird cravings and the school nurse said I should try a test. I did, it read positive, but I wanted to know for sure so I went to the doctors. And it was true, I am pregnant and have been for two months.

"I should've told you guys, but I was scared, I didn't know what to do. And most of all I was disappointed in myself. I was angry that this happened to me, that all the bad luck came to me. I couldn't get an abortion, though, I may have created a lot of sins in my lifetime, but killing a baby that is innocent in all this...I couldn't do it."

After my long story we sit in silence which seems like hours until Jessica speaks up with a void look in her eyes. "Did you tell? The father, I mean,"

"No," I whisper

"It's Chris," Kinley says with tears streaming down her face. I didn't understand what she meant until it hit me, hard. More tears start to poor from her eyes and mine as well as we both stare at each other.

"Yes," I choke on a sob. "It's Chris"

Jessica gasps and begins to cry which only makes me cry harder and we become a group of crying girls.

"Oh, Caira." Kinley covers her mouth with her hand as tears stream down her cheeks and onto her shirt. I can't stop crying while seeing the look on their faces.

"We're so sorry," Jess cries and puts her arms around me again along with Kinley.

"Why me?" I sob over an over again while the girls tears soak through my hoodie.

"Can we see?" Jess asks, wiping the tears away from her face. I nod and begin to take off my hoodie, revealing my tank top covered baby bump. It's not that big, but it's pretty noticeable.

"Oh." They both cry together. And we keep crying together.

Now I only have three more people to tell.

My parents and Chris.

Oh joy.

Im so sorry about the long wait for an update. I've been really lazy and busy lately, weekends are kind of my weekend to update.

I hope your enjoying the book and keep commenting and voting if you could. It would mean a lot.

Enjoy. Love you all<3

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