Chapter~Twenty Two

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He did not say what I think he said. This isn't happening, I heard him wrong, I have to have.

There's no way he wouldn't let me see Chris anymore.

There's no way.

"Scott," my mom glares at my dad as I just stare at him.

My mouth hangs open and my eyes wide, this can't be happening.

"Sharron, it's not up for discussion. I've made my decision and that's final," my dad waves my mom off like she's a pesky fly that won't leave his food alone.

"Oh really? And how is this going to benefit anything, Scott? Caira is pregnant with his baby, she needs him there for her. Keeping them away from each other isn't going to help anyone," my mom states angrily.

Everyone is unmoving, watching the scene play out between my dad and mom.

Grayson is currently staring at my dad like he wants to kill him and Jared is looking down at his food, a scowl planted on his face.

Even though Jared doesn't approve of Chris and I having a baby together I don't think he wants me to be forbidden from seeing him. Because he knows that only bad things will come of that.

"It'll help me, she's sixteen years old if you haven't noticed, she's a kid herself and planning on having a baby! How is that going to benefit anyone? Huh? Exactly, now shut the hell up."

I gasp as well as everyone else in the room at my dads words. He's never talked to my mother like that before. They've always been very good at talking to one another with respect and being able to compromise.

"Don't talk to her that way," Jared's voice booms through the room.

What has happened to our family? Your baby, that's what. My subconscious mocks me.

"Excuse me?" My dad questions almost shocked.

"I get that your upset with Caira's decisions but you have no right in talking to mom that way," he states, a glare on his eyes.

It's all my fault. My family is fighting with one another because of me. I'm the reason.

If I wouldn't have gotten pregnant none of this would've happened, it's all ruined because of me.

My dad wouldn't be telling my mom to shut up, he wouldn't be yelling at me. Everything would be just like how it was.

I know what I have to do.

"Mom, dad, I've decided what I want to do," I say, well begin to say before my mom cuts me off.

"You listen to me, Caira, you will not make a decision like this because of us. I know what your trying to do, but don't."

How'd she know?

"What- you don't even know what I was going to say?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at my mother.

"I thought the same way as you when I got pregnant for the first time," she looks down at her food almost ashamed she thought such vile things.

There's many things I don't know about my moms life before she had us, and that somehow makes me feel like a bad daughter, I don't know much about what my mom was like when she was young. I don't know what happened to make her the way she is now.

"I'm going to go clean the kitchen, load your dishes in the dishwasher when your done and Scott?" My dad looks up at her. "Your sleeping on the couch tonight."

I bite my lip to keep from smiling as I pick up Landon's empty plate as well as Jared and Grayson's.

"I can get those," Jared says but I shake my head.

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