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You know that feeling when you know that you've made a mistake, but your too afraid to admit it? Well, that's exactly how I was feeling. I shouldn't have kicked Chris out, I should've just told him, but then what? I still don't know the answer.

"Caira, are you sure your okay?" Mom asks me at dinner while my dad looks up from his food to me. His eyes watch me suspiciously and curiously while he slowly chews his food.

"Umm, yeah I'm fine. Just tired. You know how it can get, lots of homework and stuff." I make up an excuse fast. If you were wondering if I told my parents yet, now you know. I can't even tell my two best friends, what makes you think I'll be able to tell my parents.

"Your moms right. You have been really distant lately," my dad pipes in.

"I'm fine, dad. Honestly, it's not like I've never acted this way," I point out. Usually this is how I act when I'm on my period. Sure it's weird that I'm hinting this towards my dad, but it's the only way I can get him off my back.

"Oh, okay. Have you talked to Chris lately?" He asks another question.

"Yeah have you? I heard he got a girlfriend. Tanya? Tori? Tina? Tiffany? Tiffany, that's it!" Grayson cheers, looking awfully smug.

"Shut up!" I yell across the table, glaring daggers into his face while he only smiles. Something he easily picked up from Chris.

"Caira!" My dad scolds.

"What do you mean Chris has a girlfriend?" Mom ignores dads scolding and continues to eye me yet asking Grayson about Chris' new 'girlfriend'.

"Yeah, Chris walked into school one day with a girl that was not Caira. I heard it's some girl named Tiffany and is his girlfriend." Grayson explains shoving more mashed potatoes in his mouth.

By this time my face is hot with anger and jealousy. Jealousy towards Tiffany getting all of Chris' attention. I'm gripping my fork so hard that I feel my fingers begin to go numb from the lack of blood circulation.

Hearing the Devils name just sets me over the edge. Tiffany that is. She's nice and all, but no where near Chris' type. I'm Chris' type.

"You better shut up, Grayson, or I swear I'll kill you in your sleep," I snap venomously.

"Caira!" Both my parents shout at me while I'm too busy glaring daggers at Grayson.

"Oh my!" I hear Landon mutter while rubbing his face with his hands. Even though Landon is only five years old he's very smart to know to stay out of this.

"She's just mad because she's in love with Chris," Grayson taunts. Oh no he didn't!

"You little twerp!" I scream trying to reach over the table to strangle my idiotic fifteen year old brother.

"Stop it!" Our parents are shouting at us, but we don't stop.

"Aww, Caira and Chris sitting in a tree k-i-s-" he doesn't finish as I dive on to the table trying to grab for him, but he's to fast and flies out of his seat making kissy faces at me.

"That's enough!" Dads voice booms throughout the house making everyone turn to face him. "Caira, go up to your room. Grayson, you too."

"Dad!" We both whine.

"I don't want to hear it. You both are fifteen and sixteen years old, there is no need to be acting like children!"

"Grayson started it," I state while whining like a little kid. I'm honestly really mad that I have to be 'sent' to my room. I'm not fucking five years old.

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now