Chapter~Thirty One

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This is your Brody!!! He's so hot...but a huge jerk xD maybe

"I can stay the night like I used to," Chris smirks, leaning against the frame of the front door.

"Yeah, I don't think my parents will ever make that mistake again," I giggle and he frowns adorably.

"It's not like we can do that stuff anymore. Well, as long as you're pregnant," he says confidently and I grin.

"Actually that's incorrect," I smirk. I almost start laughing from the look on his face, but I stay serious.

"Huh?" He's so confused.

"My doctor had let me know that if I did want to engage in 'sexual activities,'" I quote. "Then the baby will be perfectly safe."

His eyes widen the size of golf balls, no doubt lustful thoughts running through his dirty mind.

"But don't get ahead of yourself, Chrissy," I pat his chest. "We're not even to the holding hands stage yet."

While up in my room I had let Chris know that just because he confessed to me his love, doesn't mean we'll be jumping right in to the honeymoon stage again.

I want to take things slow and behave like a normal couple, other than the fact I am pregnant with his baby.

"You're such a tease," he rolls his eyes and I giggle again. "I guess this is a good night, then."

"I guess it is," I nod my head. We stare at each other for a good ten seconds before he smiles and walks away.

"Goodnight!" He waves off and I shake my head at him.

"You too."

I close the door and lock it, I don't know where the rest of my family are, most likely still at Chris's, so for precautions.

I start getting ready for bed in the bathroom, washing my face and teeth before heading back to my room.

The day seems as if it's been an entire week and I really need to sleep to know I'm not dreaming.

Once I finally get comfortable I switch off the light and close my eyes.

It's not long before I hear a knocking on my window and my eyes spring open.

It's like little patter patter on the glass. It sounds like pebbles.

Maybe it's Chris? But why wouldn't he just knock on the front door?

I slowly slip out of bed, turning on my bed side lamp and walk towards the window where the sound is coming from.

Okay, on three. 1...2...3 I open the window and look down to where Brody stands ready to throw another pebble, but my face stops him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, exasperated.

"I'll tell you if you'll kindly let me in?" He smiles childishly and I smile to myself, motioning for him to climb up. "Hey."

"Hi," I smile and he puts one leg on the ledge of the window to hop into my room, but his shoelace gets caught on something and he ends up tumbling face first into my carpet.

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now