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Waking up the next morning without Chris by my side really put a damper on my mood. Usually, Chris comes over after school and stays the night, instead he came over after school and then left to go hook up with some skank. Well, actually he said he was going to a friends, but I knew him well enough to know that was a lie.

Sure, I was mad that he didn't stay over last night, not only did I have a restless sleep, but I've been having some extreme cravings lately. It's been happening for the past month or so. Normally, I would get cravings when I'm on my period not before, but at least I know I'll be getting it soon.

"Good morning, sweetheart, I made you some pancakes," my mom smiles sweetly at me, that's a little strange. Mom is actually up and her make up and hair are perfectly styled.

"Is there something special going on today? And I don't really feel like pancakes, I feel like french toast," I make a face at the pancakes that are currently grilling on the stove.

"To have you know, a new book is being released so I have to get to work early for the opening and what's wrong with pancakes?" She questions with a confused expression.

"Well, that's exciting, should be getting a lot of costumers, I'm guessing? And for some reason pancakes make me want to throw up," I shrug it off and go to the refrigerator to get something else to eat for breakfast.

"There should be tons of people there today, well, that's weird, I thought you always liked pancakes. Where's Chris by the way?" The question I've been dreading to be asked. I hate thinking about what he was doing last night. Yeah, I know he's not mine, whatever. Although he's not mine, per se, I am his, he just doesn't know. It's hard to have a 'friends with benefits' relationship with the guy you like, even if he is your best friend.

"Uhh, he went to a friends house," I mumble, I spot a package of French Toast bagels and I shriek in triumph, fist pumping the air. Who knew they made French Toast Bagels?

"That's strange," my mom mutters, flipping over a pancake with her brows creased.

"What's strange?'" I ask while putting a bagel in.

"Usually, you guys are joined at the hip. It's strange to see you two not together." she tells me. I know, mom, I know.

"Yeah, I guess," We're closer than you think. I wanted to say, but I knew that I couldn't. It was a sin to have sex before marriage in the first place, and even worse of a sin when having sex without even being in a relationship. Oh Lord have mercy on my soul. I internally pray.

The morning goes by quickly and before I know it I'm on my way to meet up with Kinley and Jessica for lunch in the cafeteria.

"Where's Chris?" Kinley asks as we sit down at our usual lunch table. Truth is, I haven't seen Chris since yesterday, which is strange because he's in at least three of my classes.

"Probably screwing around with some whore," I mutter bitterly. Just because I haven't seen him today doesn't mean no one has.

"Probs," Jessica's cheery voice comes up behind us and then plops down on the bench. "What are we talking about exactly?"

"We haven't seen Chris at all today," Kinley explains and plops a chip in her mouth.

"Oh right," Jessica takes a sip of her juice, "I was talking to Tiffany earlier today and supposedly they're like a thing now."

"What?" I look at her in complete and utter confusion. That doesn't sound right, Chris would've told me, right? Right?!

"Yeah, I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but that's what she said," Jess shrugs it off like its no big deal, and maybe it's not...for her. For me, it's a huge deal. If Chris has a girlfriend then what happens to us? Where does this leave our relationship?

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