Chapter~Twenty One

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Did she really just ask that? After everything with being so religious and against all of that, she asks me?

"Pardon?" I squint at her, trying to rein in my temper before I explode.

"Come on, Caira, you knew I was going to ask this," she shakes her head, almost confused as to why I wouldn't understand.

"Mom, you've always been against abortion. Why-"

"Listen, it was just a question. Obviously I don't have a say in what you choose since you've been having sex with your childhood best friend," she says with venom.

I've never seen my mom like this before. Usually, we are good, I've always considered her my best friend, someone I can tell anything to.

"It wasn't meant to happen that way," I shake my head in denial.

"How was it suppose to happen then, Caira?" She questions in exasperation.

"Not like this! I didn't purposely wish to become pregnant. Sure, I gave myself to him by choice but I did not plan for this to happen."

"What am I supposed to say when I find out my daughter is pregnant and with her best friend's baby?!" Moms face is red with flaming eyes that I've never seen before.

She's quite scary this way and I'm slightly worried on what she's capable of doing.

"I'm sorry! Is that what you want me to say? That I'm sorry I was on birth control and it didn't work? I did everything right and I don't think your giving me any credit," I cross my arms over my chest, an angry scowl being plastered against my face.

"Credit?" She scoffs. "You shouldn't have been sleeping around in the first place."

"It was one guy, mother!"

It's not like I went around messing around with anyone I thought was the least bit attractive. I've only ever been with Chris in this way.

"Really? I could hardly believe that Chris is the only one you've been with.," she glares at me.

Hearing my mother practically call me a slut and a whore is very displeasing and makes my anger rise even more.

I know what I did wasn't the best decision I'll ever make in my lifetime, but everyone makes them. It shouldn't be held against me. I know what I did wrong and this pregnancy should be the only punishment I get.

She's going way to far and I'm going to put an end to it right now. I don't care if she's my mom, I don't deserve to be treated like shit when she was about my age when she had a miscarriage.

"Listen, mother, I don't care about what you think I did or didn't do, that's my business and my mistakes. I shouldn't be treated like crap just because I made a mistake. Yes, it's a mistake that I will carry with me for the rest of my life, but don't for one second call my baby a mistake. To be quite honest, you're being very hypocritical for the one to have gotten pregnant at age seventeen," I keep my stare straight on my mom, making sure she sees just how serious I am.

"How dare you? I've done nothing, but be the best mother I can for you," she states angrily, standing up from her sitting position, as do I.

"I'm not saying you haven't been the best mom. I'm saying that you should at least understand. I need support, I need to know that you guys will always be there for me, even if you don't like my decisions sometimes."

Mom huffs loudly before plopping down on the couch, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

"I only want what's best for you Caira," she sighs.

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now