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How do you tell your best friend that he is the father of your baby? How do you tell your parents that you're pregnant with your best friends baby? Do you or do you keep it to yourself?

There's not really a right answer to those questions. There's no specific way to tell somebody that you're pregnant with their baby or that your pregnant with your best friends child.

I have Chris' baby in my stomach right now. And as much as I don't want to except it I have to. I need to grasp the fact that I am pregnant and nothing is going to change that. Abortion? Out of the question. I may already have a billion sins piling up under my name and that one more wouldn't hurt, but I'm against it. I couldn't possibly kill my unborn baby.

Anyway, it's been another few days with my secret. A few days with constant cravings and morning sickness. Not to mention the feeling of having to hurl when watching Jessica eat.

No, I haven't told my friends that I'm pregnant. I'm trying really hard to keep it to myself. But it's hard when all you want to do is tell everyone your problem. You want them to give you their support and help you through this mess you made of yourself.

It's a messed up situation I'm currently in. I'm pregnant with my best friends child, my best friend currently has a girlfriend, no one knew we were having sex.

Not only is this going to mess up Chris' relationship with Tiffany, but any chance I might have at getting into college. How do you cope with something like this? I don't know how, but I am. I just hope that Chris feels the same way about keeping the baby, that is.

I've thought very little about adoption. Mostly because I'm going to have this baby in me for another seven months and I really need Chris' input as well as my parents. As you can see that won't be happening any time soon.

Currently, I'm laying in my bed, on my back with one of my older brothers black hoodies on. The only way to hide the sudden 'weight gain' I've had is to wear oversized hoodies. I don't mind, I love wearing my brothers hoodies, there really comfy.

There's a buzzing on my bed side table and I turn on my side to look down at my phone that is getting an incoming call.

Chris. It reads. I've been ignoring him still. To be honest I'm still a little pissed about the whole Tiffany thing. The fact that he didn't tell me really hurt my feelings. I thought we told each other everything. Damn, I'm such a hypocrite.

When I don't answer the phone I lay back down against the mattress. Closing my eyes, and wondering what it would be like if I weren't in this position?

Seconds later, there's a knocking on my window. I slowly get off of the comfy bed and walk towards the window. There's no knocking for quite awhile before it starts again. They're pebbles, that much I can tell. But where are they coming from?

I slip my fingers under the window, pushing it upwards. The cool autumn air blows in my face, the sunshine illuminating through my room. I don't remember the last time I was outside, only to enjoy it, of course.

What the hell? Next thing I know a pebble comes flying at me, hitting be against the cheek.

"Ouch!" I shout. Idiots.

"Sorry," a deep voice mumbles up to me. Chris?

"Chris?" I question. Chris's face comes into view seconds later, his brown hair tousled around.

"Hey," he smile. Oh. My. God. What is he doing here? I haven't spoken to him since three days ago when I left to go to my room.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask as he swings one leg over the window pane so that one leg is in my room and the other one is out.

"Coming in, what does it look like?" He gives me a look that says 'your stupid.' I move out of the way once he stands with two feet planted to the ground, easily towering over me.

"You should go," I tell him. I can't bear to look at him when I'm hiding a secret that isn't ready to come out yet. Why? Because it's not.

"Don't, don't tell me to leave. I need to know what happened between us?" His eyes show hurt and pain, but it's not ready to be let go. I'm doing him a favor in a way, once he finds out he'll have to break up with Tiffany and he will have more responsibility.

"Nothing," I tell him bitterly before turning my back to him, but he isn having it. Chris grabs my elbow jerking me back towards him, letting me slam into his hard chest. The overwhelming feeling of being near him takes over all my senses, I stand there stiff and shocked.

"Don't you play the 'nothing' card," he growls down to me. His eyes filled with pure rage and disgust. I'm doing this for him, I remind myself.

"Chris, I'm not playing the 'nothing' card, that's all it is. We drifted away, its nothing, really," with this he gets mad, forcefully pushing me back until I hit my back in my pink painted wall. His hands on either side of my shoulders, staring intensely at me. Though, he forcefully pushed me, it didn't hurt. The only thing that hurts is watching his eyes sadden.

"Please, please don't do this to me. Don't do this to us," he pleads, his eyes boring into mine. I look away feeling my eyes sting with tears that want to be let out.

"There's no us, Chris," I state, still not looking into his eyes. I'm right, he knows it. There was never an us, it was merely friends with benefits, a no strings attached deal.

"There is an us," he whispers, his voice cracking at the end.

"No, no, Chris, there isn't. It was nothing but friends with benefits. It meant nothing more to you, or me," I lie. Of course it meant something to me. I gave my virginity away to him for a reason, I loved him in a way I only wished he felt about me.

"How can you say this?" Chris's voice cracks again. Please stab me with a knife.

"There's nothing to say, it's only the truth, and I'm not saying, I'm stating," I tell him, I finally look at him, my eyes searching his.

"How do you know?"

"What are you talking about?"

"How do you know it wasn't just friends with benefits, that it didn't mean anything to me?"

"You have a girlfriend, Chris! Stop putting shit in my head! It's really fucked up!"

"It's not shit unless you think it is, Caira!"

"Your right, and I think it is. I think that you like to put shit in my head because you think I'm a good lay."

"That's not true!"

"It's not, then why did you keep me around all these years, all these months?! Huh?!" I shove his chest, I keep shoving and punching until he lets me out of his trap and stumbles backwards.

"You don't understand at all."

"I know, I don't understand one single fucking thing that goes on in that empty head of yours!"

"Why are you throwing this all away?!"

"I'm not throwing anything away, I'm saving myself and you. So leave while you can," I tell him and walk out of my room.

"Caira, you can't just leave like this?!" He really doesn't know how to let go.

"Yes, I can. Just like you left me all those years ago," I tell him. He seems highly confused, he'll understand eventually. "Goodbye, Chris."

What do you think? She pushed him away when she's going to need him? Hmm? That's a little strange.

I Joel your enjoying the book, I posted a picture of Chris at the beginning of the chapter. Tell me what you think.


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