Chapter~Forty One

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Five Weeks Later.

"What about Exorcism?" Kinley asks, surfing through the guide.

"I've already seen it," I tell her. "Keep going."

She does as I say and continues to search for a movie.

"I got the snacks!" Jessica shouts when she barges through my room. I immediately perk up to the sound of food which Jess seems to notice. "I specifically got you Pretzels, Caira."

I feel like crying. "I love you so much."

She rolls her eyes and tosses me the bottle of doctor pepper and Rold Gold pretzels. I immediately dig in despite already having four pieces of pizza already. I use the excuse of being pregnant for the reason my appetite is so large. I am feeding for two now.

I look down at my stomach on instinct, noticing just how big it is now. Nine months pregnant as of two days ago and you can definitely tell. Kinley and Jessica say I look about ready to pop, but Chris says I don't look that big. I can't tell whose right.

"They were literally a dollar fifty at the party store," Jessica laughs at me, plopping down on my bed. "It's not that big of a deal."

"It is when you've been craving them all day." It's weird actually, I've never been too fond of Pretzels - mostly because of how salty they are - but I've craved them a few times this entire pregnancy. I guess the little peanut loves them.

"Oo!" Kinley speaks up. "What about Insidious?"

"Yeah," I nod. "I haven't seen that one and it's supposed to be pretty good."

So, Kinley clicks on the movie before joining Jessica and I on my bed. We all get comfortable under the sheets and wait for the movie to start.

"Has the baby kicked today?" Kinley asks, bringing up a conversation as previews play before the movie. I hate previews.

"A lot actually," I beam, rubbing a hand over the large bump. He's definitely a little soccer player in there, especially when it comes to my bladder. That's only gotten worse.

"Has Chris felt it yet?" Kinley asks and Jessica laughs.

"I've heard the stories," she giggles and I can't help, but smile a little to.

Chris comes over every so often to check on me and the baby, since we are still friends, and sometimes we'll watch tv together for a little bit. Depending on the time of day, I can feel the baby kicking and one time it had happened when Chris was over. Unfortunately for him, peanut didn't seem to want to put on a show for him so every time he put his hand on the bump, the baby would stop. Chris seemed upset for a while, but he eventually lightened up when he saw I was having a fun time. He says I don't smile much anymore.

"No," I shake my head, a grin breaking out on my face.

Kinley and Jessica look at each other before bursting out laughing, making me join in.

"Okay, okay," I breathe heavily to stop myself from cracking up again. "Chris was pretty upset the first time so I kind of feel bad."

Kinley rolls her eyes and steals one of my pretzels, which I glare at her for. "Peanut will do it eventually."

I nod, agreeing with her. Soon enough Peanut will get old of teasing his dad and show him what he's good at. It'll just take time.

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now