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I watched his retreating figure. I watched him walk away with another girl bringing my heart with him. I need to tell him soon, but I don't know how.

The next day all I could think about was how he acted that night. As if we were never his friends, sure he could've left us before and gone with the popular crowd, but he didn't. We all assumed that was a sign that he was a true friend, not anymore, though.

I sit in math with Chris by my side, neither of us talk or look at each other. I'm okay with us not talking, I mean if he did say something I would feel obligated to tell him about my pregnancy.

Speaking of which, I need to go the doctors again soon to make sure everything's all right with the baby. If I don't tell Chris before then, I'll be going by myself, unless I tell him and he wants nothing to do with the kid. I've also been noticing my mood lately, I'm not sure if it's because of the hormones or if I'm depressed. Like I said, depression runs in my family so I wouldn't be too surprised if I am. I've just been feeling really tired and not up to doing anything. I feel angry at the world and the life I'm living.

"Miss Jameson?" Mr. Smith calls my name. I shake my head out of my thoughts and look at him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"What's the cubed root of sixty-four?" He asks with an eye brow raised. I swear I learned all this in eighth grade.

"Four." I answer quickly not wanting him to know I wasn't paying attention.

"Very good." And he goes on with the lesson.

When the bell rings Chris gets up before me and I take a deep breath before walking up to him, as confidently as I can.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask him, his eyes snap up to mine and they widen in shock. Yes, I know I told you to get out of my life, now I want to talk to you.

"Actually, I'm supposed to go meet Tiffany-"

"Please." I plea. His eyes soften and for a second I see the Chris I once knew before his face is back to stone.

"Fine," he groans and I start walking away, indicating for him to start following me. I walk a short distance until we get to the school courtyard. Sometimes people eat lunch out here, but since it's a cloudy day most people will be eating inside. Don't want to risk getting rained on. I sit on one of the benches, Chris is hesitant before sitting down, too.

"You needed to talk so talk." His voice sounds annoyed, and yet I can tell that he's curious to know what it's about. He won't be for long, I thought.

"There's something I've been keeping from you. From a lot of people actually." I search his face for any sign of emotion, but there is none.


I roll my eyes before continuing. "I just want you to know I only kept it from you to protect you. I wanted you to have as much as a life as you could before I told you. You may not understand, but I can explain." I pause, taking a deep breath and relishing in the moment of silence before coming out to say what I came out here to say. "I didn't think it was even possibly for this to happen, but I need you and I'm hoping you can be there for me."

"What are you trying to say, Caira?" He asks looking more irritated then normal.

"I'm pregnant," I come right out and say it. I feel even more of that weight being lifted off my shoulders. I can finally breath and relax. Not feeling guilt for not telling him, the only problem is he's being awfully quiet. "Chris?"

"Well, that's a shame and all, but why are you telling me?" He questions looking confused. Wait, what? He doesn't know it's his?


"Some guy got you pregnant, I get that. But why are you telling me?" He thinks it's for someone else. Chris gets up to walk away, but I grab his arm and turn him to face me.

"Chris, it's yours," I tell him, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Are you that low, Caira?"

"What are you talking about?" I blink a couple times at him, he looks to be getting even angrier.

"Are you that selfish that you would make up some sick excuse that you're pregnant with my kid just because I'm dating Tiffany?!" The tears flow down my cheeks at his words. He doesn't believe me, he's rejecting me and our baby.

"I don't know what your talking about. You're the only guy I've had sex with!" I yell.

"Tell someone who will believe your bullshit, Caira!" He spits out my name in so much venom it makes a chill crawl up my body. Chris starts walking away, I need to do something and fast.

"Chris!" I shout. "Chris, I love you!"

His steps halt and turns to face me. There's no sign of him saying it back, though. He doesn't love me, and he never will. Why can't I just take a fucking hint? Why did I have to have sex with him?

"Well, I don't love you. So leave me alone and keep that thing away from me," he seethes pointing at my stomach beneath the huge hoodie I have on. He slams the door on the way out and I sink to my knees, sobbing.

Chris just rejected me! How could he do this? I've always been there for him and the one time I need him, he leaves. How could I have been so stupid to think he was different than any other boy put in his position?

Chris's POV.

How dare she tell me such a lie?! Telling me she's pregnant to get me back, that bitch obviously has brain damage.

I loved her, yes. Not anymore, though, not after she kicked me out of her house that one time. I couldn't love someone that didn't want me and now she's using my feelings against me.

She's never going to be anything more then a fuck buddy to me. Let me tell you, she was a good one, too. She was always so responding to me and tight. But her crazy shit isn't worth the good fuck she was.

She better think twice before she starts telling me bullshit like that, she was on the fucking pill! Obviously some other douche knocked her up and didn't want her, that's why she came to me.

The thought of some other guys hands touching her makes me want to punch something, but I've gone this long without thinking and wanting her, as hard as it was. I'm over it now and hopefully she can just stay out of my life.

A guy could dream...

Another chapter up! Whoo! She finally told him, and what does he do?! Rejects her. I would be ripping his balls off right now. Lmao.

Thank you so much for the reads. Hope you like the picture of Grayson at the side. He be in the next chapter by the way.

Love you <3. Enjoy.

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