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"Scott! Stop it now," my mother warns, her face contorting up in anger.

"Let me handle this, Sharron," my dad glares at her.

"Let's talk about this later," my mom insists.

"No, I want to see if she'll lie." And I won't lie in front of everyone?


"So tell me, Caira, why do you have such abstract things in your drawers?"

"I-I-" I stutter. I know that if I tell him, I'll be telling them about my pregnancy and I don't really know if I'm ready to yet.

"Why does it matter, she's sixteen," Jared defends me. There we go.

"The problem is, she doesn't have a boyfriend, this is a sin-"

"Oh, like you haven't sinned before, dad." I bark out a sarcastic laugh.

"Excuse me?" His face turns red with anger, his hands fisting up.

"We all know that mom had a miscarriage at the age of seventeen," I tell him seriously.

Miscarriage is nothing to laugh about or to make fun of. I don't know what I would do if I lost my unborn baby.

I know I haven't always seemed the happiest since I've found out about the baby, but even then I wouldn't ever want he or she to die. Though the planning is horrible I will and do love he or she unconditionally.

"That has nothing to do with you," dad seethes.

"But doesn't it? Here you are trying to teach me not to make mistakes like you did, but yet you see no problem with yourself," I explain a little calmer.

I know that today's the day that they'll end up finding out about the baby, I'm ready to tell them if it means I'm owning up to my mistakes unlike my dad. I just I don't want to do it out of anger.

"What are you saying exactly?" My mother asks, her eyes showing worry and concern, maybe.

"You guys have always taken me to Church, shown me how to handle things in the right way. Unfortunately, I didn't take your advice seriously, and...I did something," I feel my heart start to pick up speed.

Chris touches my arm, I look to my side at him, he has his eyebrows furrowed questioningly and I give him a sad smile.

"Caira?" Chris' mom says softly, I turn my attention back to the table full of people, each and everyone of them wondering what I'm talking about.

"I-I," I can't get it out.

"Caira, what's going on?" Jared asks, his jaw clenching in anger as he looks between Chris and I.

"I'm pregnant." It all happens at once, the words are out of my mouth and then Jared's yelling at me, I'm scared at what he's going to say, but I don't stop him.

"What do you fucking mean you're pregnant?!" He shouts, standing up from the table so fast he knocks over his chair.

My dads eyes are wide in shock as well as everybody else.

"Please...let me explain," I cry as I look at Jared's red face. He looks like he's ready to explode and I know that once he finds out who's the dad he will have nothing holding him back.

"Who's the father?" My mom asks softly. I don't speak, I'm debating whether I should tell them or not.

"Who. The. Fuck. Is. The. Father?!" Jared screams making us all jump. He clenches his fists at his sides. "Caira!"

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now