Chapter~Forty Two/Epilogue

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Four Months Later.

"Gannon," I hear my mom coo from the next room. "Open your eyes for grandma."

I snort to myself, before I finish putting the last of the jelly on the second sandwich. I then walk into the next room where my mom has Gannon in her arms, but he's sleeping happily instead of giving her his attention.

"Let him sleep, mom," I roll my eyes and she scowls playfully at me.

"What time will Chris be over?" She asks, taking a bite of her sandwich while slowly bouncing Gannon. I still can't believe he's here and mine. All mine.

"His shift ends at two so around there," I tell her and snuggle up on the couch. The weather has only started getting cooler, but I feel cold already.

When Gannon was born on June twentieth, I immediately felt a connection with him. The connection that only a mother and son could have together. I never wanted to be away from him, still don't, but it's a bit more bearable now. I rarely wanted anyone to hold him which is silly, but it's true. And I definitely didn't want them to hold him while standing up. Mothers intuition I guess.

Anyways, he's been a very good baby despite the horror stories I've heard which I'm grateful for. He cries every once in a while, but not excessively. His sleep schedule is pretty constant also, midnight, four, and then seven. When he was a newborn the sleeping was less at night and more in the day, but now it's balanced out a bit.

Chris has been great through everything, also. We're not a couple, probably never will be, but that doesn't put a divider with Gannon. We act as we used to, minus the sex.

He's currently working two jobs, even though I told him we really don't need all of them, but he refused saying, "I want him to have everything that he needs without a struggle." I didn't fight him on it after that.

Everyone in my family has also been very supportive even my dad who I thought would be hard to crack. Almost immediately after Gannon was born he was a sucker along with everyone else. I'm glad that it worked out that way.

As for me, I've been better. I lost all of the baby fat that I gained which took away some depression I was starting to have and I'm acing all of my classes. I currently have applied to a few colleges already that offer some family financial systems and such. If it comes down to it, I'll just rent an apartment for both Gannon and I.

"Did Landon tell you what happened at school the other day?" My mom asks, her eyes still on Gannon.

"No," I shake my head, interested in what she's about to say.

"He went on and on with classmates about his nephew," she beams. "Exaggerating a bit and saying how he's from a different planet and can fly like super man."

I nearly spit out my chips. Landon has a very active imagination it seems. "That's...actually pretty adorable."

"I know-" she stops talking due to there being a knock on the door. I know before even looking over that it's Chris. For some reason, he knocks on the door before just walking in. Not sure the whole point, but it's what he's done the entire duration of our friendship so I don't question it.

"Hey," I smile at him and he grins back, his face black from mechanical work. On the weekends he works on the construction site with his dad, and weekdays he works as a mechanic at the local shop.

"Nice to see you," he grins, pressing a kiss to my forehead before greeting my mom. "How has he been today?"

I can't help the smile on my face as Chris takes Gannon, who is now awake, into his arms. The look on his face only makes my grin stretch.

"Really good, actually," I say, getting up. "Would you like something to eat?"

"Nah, that's okay," he shakes his head, but I know better.

"I'll go fetch your ham and turkey sandwich, babe," I tease and pat his shoulder while he scowls playfully.

From the kitchen I keep my eye on Chris and how well he takes care of Gannon. He makes baby noises and plays peek-a-boo while Gannon smiles giddily.

It makes my heart swell, because even though things have been rough and sloppy, I couldn't even imagine not becoming Sixteen And Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby. Things just wouldn't be the same, and I wouldn't have my beautiful baby boy to wake up to in the morning.

I hope that through the long period of time writing this book you are all happy with the ending results. Your imagination will make up what happens in the future and that's all I could ask for.

Thank you all for the support through everything, I highly appreciate it and I'm just happy it's over :) it's been going on for too long so I'm super happy!!

Don't be a silent reader!'

Enjoy. Love you all <3

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