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Jared being back was great. Dinner was more exciting then it has been since he left, which was a good thing.

When dinner was over, Jared thought it would be a great idea to take Grayson, Landon, and I out to play laser tag. Not a good idea at all. Let's just say, last time Jared took us out for laser tag, I ended up breaking my ankle.

"Come on, Caira!" Landon tugs on my arm wanting to shoot people with red lasers.

"Yeah, come on Caira!" Jared screeches, pulling my arm and jumping up and down like a five year old. I should know, the real five year old was already doing it. Even Landon is staring at him like he's crazy. "What?"

"You're immature." Landon sasses while placing his hands on his hips.

"Oh yeah? Well you're not mature yourself." Jared narrows his eyes at our little brother.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm five." Landon says back with his face bright with anger. Grayson and I just sit back and watch the show. Jared is the first to stick his tongue out at Landon. Landon didn't like this very much so he went marching up to Jared.

"What are you.... Ow!" Jared shouts while holding his shin. Yes, Landon kicked Jared in the shin, pathetic.

"Would you guys stop arguing and figure out what we're going to do." Grayson demands, amusement gleaming in his eyes.

"How about we go to the mall?" I suggest. A lot of people think that malls are for girls, but that can't be even more wrong. There's lots of things to do there.

"No I want to-"

"Shut the hell up! Ugh! You're so annoying. We're going to the mall and that's final." I guess I looked pretty serious because Jared wasted no time in grabbing his car keys and racing out the door. Well, I think I made my point. Plus, being pregnant makes me more ferocious than ever.

The car ride was filled with me singing a very off turned version of See You Again, and Grayson trying to keep up, Landon banging his hands on the back of my seat, and jared bobbing his head with the rhythm of the music. The best part was that the windows were down and all the people on the road were staring at us like we were lunatic, I guess we kind of are.

"Lets go to Auntie Anne's first." Grayson argues.

"No, lets go to Bubble Berry first." Jared argues back, no surprise there.

Right when we got out of the car, Jared and Grayson had to voice their opinions on what shop we were going to first. Landon and I were too tired to join in.

All the while, when they were arguing I made it a task to steer them towards the food court where I was craving a very mean sub from Subway.

"Hey! Isn't that Chris?" Jared suddenly gasps, pointing towards a table where Chris is laughing and having fun. He's with a few buddies of his, and of course Tiffany. But that's not all, the thing that catches my attention is my two best friends laughing it up with my enemy and baby daddy.

I feel betrayed beyond words. I told them about what happened and here they are with him and her. I can't believe them.

Luckily being pregnant gives me the boost of confidence I need to confront my backstabbing best friends. I know I look like crap in my oversized hoodie and leggings while my hair is in a messy bun but I could care less. The rage is burning inside of me and I know that if I don't confront them now, I never will.

"Caira, Are you okay? You look like you're about to explode." Grayson asks worriedly.

"Peachy." I spit, marching over towards their table. I have my brave face on, my hands in tight fits, just in case I need to punch a certain bitch.

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now