Chapter~Twenty Four

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After the doctor has given me a piece of paper towel and I've wiped myself off, I sit on the edge of the bed with my hand in my lap.

I can't keep the stupid smile off my face after what I've just witnessed. It was beyond anything I've ever seen before, it was just incredible.

The doctor asked if I wanted pictures and of course I said yes, she said I will pick them up at the front desk.

"Alright, you are about done here. Just head to the front desk to fill out some papers and schedule your next appointment," the doctor smiles at me.

"Thank you," I smile and my mom and I walk out of the room towards the front desk.

My mom hasn't spoken much since what happened, and I'm not quite sure why.

We schedule an appointment for this same day, but a month away. I have to come in monthly during my first and second trimester.

The receptionist hands me a couple pictures and I smile, I can barely see him or her, but I know their there.

"Are you hungry?" My mom asks when we get into the car. It's started to snow and I'm glad to be out of the coldness.

It doesn't snow much here in Tennessee, not like Minnesota or Mississippi, but we do occasionally get flurries.

I am kind of hungry, but it's already getting close to dinner and the others won't make their own food.

"We should just order pizza tonight. I'm sure the others are hungry," I say and she agrees.

"Has Chris contacted you yet?" My mom asks.

"Nope," I answer and look out the window.

To say I'm disappointed that Chris never showed up to the appointment would be an understatement. I'm very irritated that he would flake out on me like that, it's not like him.

"Don't worry to much. He's probably still trying to soak it all in." Maybe.


Mom and I picked up the pizza on the way home and the snow has started to speed up. All I want to do is change into my Christmas pajamas and eat a whole box of pizza.

"Mom!" Landon screeches and runs over to us. "You got pizza?"

"Yep, now go wash your hands and call the other guys down to eat," mom shoos Landon away and turns to me. "Why don't you go get into some more comfortable clothes and then come and eat."

She knows me so well.

I walk up the stairs and into my room sliding on my Christmas pajamas that are red with reindeer and Christmas lights.

I look in the mirror and I almost seem like I'm glowing. My cheeks are a bright pink and my eyes are livelier than usual. Pregnancy glow.

"Caira!" My mom calls.

"Coming!" I yell back and slide on fuzzy socks before heading downstairs.

Everyone is sitting at the table, one pizza box open on top of the rest.

I take a seat and wait for everyone to dig in.

"Alright, I guess, start eating," my mom says as she places a slice on Landon's plate.

Jared nor my dad will look at me, they seem to be avoiding eye contact at all cost.


I place four pieces of pizza on my plate and begin to eat.

So good.

"How was your doctors appointment today?" Grayson asks and I stop chewing.

Sixteen and Pregnant With My Best Friends Baby Where stories live. Discover now