Toxic: Chapter #7 | Once Never Ending Love

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Zach's Past

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When I said too good to be true, I wasn't kidding. I think back to it now and I still feel like I'm going through it in slow motion.

Junior year was the year to apply for scholarships and apply to schools. I ended up earning a full ride scholarship to Long Beach University for cheerleading. To say I was shocked is an understatement because even though I knew I was good I didn't believe I was that good. Turns out a scout came to Nationals my junior year and watched all the groups perform marking down his favorites then went to each coach asking who had done the routines.

I was laughing and talking to Lu when the scout came over to me. "Zach Anderson?"

I turned towards the voice and nodded. "Yes Sir. That's me."

He offered his hand. "I'm Mitch Harrison. I was just talking to your coach about who came up with your squad's routines and he said that's all you. Is that true?"

I shook his hand and then nodded unsure what this what about. "Yes."

Mitch smiled and held out a card to me. "When you get home, I'd like you to give me a call. We'd like to have a conversation about college."

I took the card my eyes wide but before I could say anything else he had walked off. That conversation was the beginning of my college future but was the beginning of the end of my relationship with Lu.

Lu was frustrated because he was struggling to get scholarships though neither of us could understand why. He's a straight A student and the second best on our squad. When I got home it was late, so I stayed at Lu's that night. I got up early the next morning, headed downstairs and went over to the couch to call the scout.

I dialed and sipped on a cup of coffee while I waited but the phone only rang once before he answered, "Hello? This is Mitch."

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Hello Mr. Harrison. My name is Zach. We spoke at the cheerlea—"

He quickly and if I'm not mistaken excitedly interrupted me. "Yes. I remember. The captain of his squad with amazing skills who comes up with all the routines himself."

I was glad he couldn't see my face because I knew I was blushing. "Yes Sir."

A soft chuckle echoed through the phone. "Well, I talked with my boss and we're wondering if you've chosen a school to attend after high school yet?"

I chewed my lip because of course Lu, and I had discussed it, but we hadn't made a decision.

It's hard to do so when your boyfriend is struggling to find scholarships. "I've been looking, sir, but so far I haven't made a decision."

A moment of silence passed before he spoke again, "Well we'd like to ask you to come to visit our campus. I'm a scout for Long Beach University in California."

My eyes widened because going to visit the campus in California, would be the farthest I've ever been from home. "Come visit? Oh gosh. That would be amazing Sir. It's just—"

He was quick to interject again, "We will pay for your travel and lodging."

I blinked several times and pinched myself to see if it's a dream, but it wasn't. "I'd be honored, Sir. Thank you."

I heard a rustle of papers before he spoke again, "Alright. I spoke with your coach, and it seems that you're ahead in all of your classes. So, we'd like to have you come visit from May 3rd through May 6th."

I looked over at the calendar on the wall realizing that was less than two weeks away and he must have correctly interpreted my silence.

"I know it's sudden, but we do fill up fast and I want to give you first opportunity."

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