Toxic: Chapter #8 | In Love With the Almost Maybes

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Zach's Past

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One of the hardest things about leaving for college was saying goodbye. I remember the day I left like it was yesterday. I had gotten a letter in the mail with my roommate's information. His name was Adam Webster. He would also be a cheerleader. We started getting to know each other by texting, sending emails and we even Skyped a few times. I was excited because it meant I would have a new friend. Now I know based on previous interests you may be surprised I said friend, but Adam had a girlfriend. Even if he didn't, I wasn't really looking forward to my next romance.

One night, the week before I was set to leave, mom and dad surprised ZuZu, E-Z, and myself with cars. Now I want to point out that each of us chipped in and of course we weren't filthy rich, but we weren't dirt poor either. When we came home that night, we stopped in our tracks seeing three cars in the drive that weren't there before. The vehicles were identical in everything except color. ZuZu's was white, E-Z's was red and mine was black. We were speechless but it made sense because all three of us were attending school outside of Kansas for college. ZuZu was headed to Washington State to attend Brightwood University. I was headed to California to attend Long Beach University. E-Z was headed to Nevada to attend Elk Wood University.

It was hard for me because I had to leave before my other two siblings. I had to attend conditioning and practices for cheerleading. So, I had begun packing around the time the letter about Adam arrived. By the time the night before I was set to leave rolled around, I had packed my car and was staying that night in E-Z's room along with ZuZu. I'll admit I was scared because I wouldn't have my other two Zs with me and I wouldn't have Boa or Gecko either. In fact, that was the hardest thing for me to think about...being without them.

I got up early the morning I was to leave and made breakfast for my family. I had always been a whiz with pancakes, and they let me know it by asking me to make my famous white chocolate chip ones as often as possible. I woke everyone up and we had a family breakfast: Mom, Dad, ZuZu, E-Z, Boa, Gecko, and me.

We laughed and were our usual selves but as we cleared the table, and I went to grab my laptop and backpack from my room things became serious. You could feel the emotions and could almost see them hanging in the air. I said goodbye to E-Z and ZuZu the night before, but we shared our signature Triple Z hug. Next was mom and dad because they both had to leave for work. Second to last was Boa who tried to act all tough, but he of course hugged me tightly, "I'll miss your ugly mug." I chuckled and replied, "Well I'll make sure to send you selfies so I can still break your camera lens."

After I pulled from my hug with Noah I turned to Alec and the look on his face broke my heart. I knew saying goodbye to him would be hard, but I didn't realize just how hard. He wasn't a little kid anymore of course. I mean he was only thirteen but, in my book, just as you're never too old to need your mother, there's no age too old to be really upset that your sibling is leaving.

He looked at me and his shoulders sagged. "I don't want you to go Z-Light. I love you. Who will be there for me now?"

I felt a tear fall as I sat on the step gesturing for him to join me which he did. "Hey Gecko, I know it's hard, but I won't be gone forever. You can call me and text me every day. We can video chat and I'll come home to visit."

I actually wasn't sure about coming home on breaks because of the cost of travel but I didn't want to make this harder by divulging that doubt.

He looked at me and softly asked, "Will you come home for my birthday?"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course I will. I have never missed a birthday before, and I don't plan to start now. I promise I'll be here."

He smiled offering his hand which resulted in us doing our secret handshake. It was tradition to do it after all.

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