Toxic: Chapter #52 | Fight

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Zach's Past

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⚠️ Warning: ⚠️

This chapter contains mature themes, mild graphic description, explicit language, perceived betrayal, fights, verbal altercations, brief mentions of vomiting, panic attacks, anger, a horrifying nightmare, mentions of past assault (physical and sexual), body image issues, and more. Take care!

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I couldn't sleep that night and when I did manage to fall asleep it was nowhere near peaceful. I had moments of lucidity and felt immense guilt for tossing and turning considering it was sure to wake Giana up. I half thought I would lash out physically without meaning to. Needless to say, it was a fitful sleep. I was jerking around, and I knew it, but I couldn't seem to wake up. I look back now and I'm pretty sure it was some kind of sleep paralysis. Whatever the case may have been, I had a nightmare that night and it was horrifying.

Jayden watched me like a lion watches its prey as I ran to the door, fear overwhelming me as I tried to escape. Upon reaching the door, I found it locked and bolted shut with at least ten locks. Then I tried the windows, but they all had bars on them. My chest was tight as I spun around in circles, searching for an exit only to then realize there was nowhere for me to go and that was the realization he was waiting for. Jayden pounced on me, tore off my pants and boxers in one go and shoved his cock into me, uncaring of my screams of pain.

He laughed and fucked into me as hard as he could, his speed and roughness making bruises form on the back of my thighs. He went at it like there was no tomorrow. Blood poured down my legs from my rectum, the tearing horrifying but I was helpless and could only take it. Nevertheless, I was sobbing uncontrollably. I was shackled and had no way to escape. I knew I was close to blacking out as his hand closed around my throat when he came because it had happened before. I should've been used to it by now. He filled my ass with so much release that it began forming a puddle on the floor between my legs mixing with the blood. I would never be able to look at the color pink the same way again.

Suddenly, Jayden pulled out sharply, uncaring when his action ended up eliciting another cry from between my dry and cracked lips. He slapped my ass, making me whimper and causing more tears to fall down my cheeks. His laugh seemed to echo around me, sadistic and cruel as he called out, "Who's next?" His grip on my throat disappeared just as I was about to black out and I immediately began greedily inhaling. I gasped.

I bolted upright, my chest heaving, my entire body covered in sweat as I searched the room.

Jayden was right here, right?

Where was he?

Where was I?

I started hyperventilating just as my eyes fell on pictures of me as a kid, and I caught a glimpse of my familiar wallpaper and posters. Slowly my breathing evened out some and then my eyes settled on Giana who was asleep next to me. How she hadn't woken up was a mystery to me, but she must've been stirred if the frown on her face was any indication of the effect my nightmare had on her.

Tears of relief began to stream down my cheeks as my breathing evened out fully but I was terrified just the same. I was careful not to wake her up as I slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I closed the door and leaned against it, my forehead pressing hard on the wood as my breathing hitched and tears continued falling down my face. I had no idea how long I stood there but what could have been minutes or a couple hours later, I locked the door, turned to face the shower and made my way over to turn it on.

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