Toxic: Chapter #68 | You've Got a Friend in Me

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Zach's Past

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For the first few weeks, classes went really well for the most part and I was grateful for that. I loved living in a couple's dorm suite with my wife and I loved having it all to ourselves even more. Ad and Abby spent a lot of time in our dorm suite, and we spent a lot of time in theirs. I felt proud of how far I had come, and I knew that I couldn't have done it without My Beautiful Sunflower. She was the light that lit up my life from the moment I saw her and had done so every day since.

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One day, about a month into the semester, I got a text from Ad that had me pausing in what I was doing. Sure, we texted but for some reason, that day, I could feel that something was different. "

Hey Roomie. Are you busy?

I felt my phone vibrate while I was in line at the campus snack shack, and I pulled it out. I smiled and quickly replied.

Hey Roomie. Nope. I'm not busy. Just at the snack shack. What's up?

He replied quickly and that told me he must have been waiting for my reply. I tried to remember what he had on his schedule that day but kept drawing a blank.

Ok. I'm just a building down from there. Can you wait for me?

I paused, still moving with the line and my curiosity continued growing. What was going on with Ad?

Of course. Do you want anything while I'm here?

He replied back almost instantly.

Sure. That would be great.

I'm next in line. I'll grab your favorite.

Okay, see you soon.


I looked up to see that it was my turn to order. I tucked my phone back in my pocket and pulled out my wallet as the girl running the shack smiled at me. "Hello there. How can I help you today?"

I smiled and gestured to the snacks. "Could I please have a bottle of Mountain Dew, a Georgia Peach soda and a. Dr. Pepper?"

The girl—whose name tag said Lucy—proceeded to grab the drinks as I picked out snacks, I grab some Cheezits, pink Starbursts and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Once everything was collected on the counter, she scanned the items and rang me up. "Is this everything for you handsome?"

Meeting her gaze, I nodded. "That'll be all. Thank you."

She looked back at her screen, tapped a couple times and nodded. "Alrighty. That'll be $13.97."

I swiped my card and signed the slip before handing it to her. "Could I get a bag for those please?"

Lucy smiled cheerily. "Sure thing."

While she did that, I placed my wallet back in my pocket and waited patiently.

When she handed me the bag she twirled her hair loosely on one finger, her eyelashes fluttering somewhat suggestively. "So, I was just wondering if you're..." She trailed off when her eyes caught sight of my ring as I picked up the bag. Her cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment, and she quickly changed the subject, saying, "Enjoy and have a great day."

A genuine smile graced my lips, and I nodded as I took my things and stepped away. "Thank you. The same to you."

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