Toxic: Chapter #63 | Garden-In Italy

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Zach's Past

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⚠️ Warning: ⚠️

This chapter contains a bad parent, brief mentions of criminal activity and more. Take care!

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Neither of us set an alarm before going to bed and had no intention of getting out of said bed before we absolutely had to. I was content to remain there with Giana in my arms for the rest of my life. An exaggeration? Perhaps, but true nonetheless. While I had many things planned for us to do during the duration of our stay, I knew that we'd have time and there was no rush.

Stirring in my arms and softly sighing, Giana greeted the sun with a smile brighter than it could have ever hoped to be. "Morning," she said softly, turning onto her back and cupping my chin with her left hand. The sunlight caught the sapphires on her ring and I couldn't help kissing her.

"G'Morning," I said, my voice hoarse but my smile totally one of someone who was twitterpated. You know how the owl told Bambi, Thumper and Flower about being in love but called it twitterpated? Yeah. That was totally me.

"What's the plan for today?"

I nipped at her lips and when she laughed softly and kissed me back, I was ready to have another chance to worship her body. Her hand on my chest, gentle and yet firm, stopped me. "Zach?"

"Hm?" I said, moving to kiss her neck instead.

"I'm hungry, My Penguin. We have the rest of our lives to make love but we'll only be in Italy for..." she trailed off, scrunching up her nose. "How long will we be here?"

Sighing and realizing for now, sex was off the table, I pulled back and propped my head up with my arm, my eyes on her as I answered. "I don't really have a set time. I figure the latest we can go back is the day school starts up again."

"That would be quite a while, but I might fall in love with Italy and then where would we be?" she teased.

"Then we'd stay," I replied, serious about it and no doubt she wasn't expecting that considering how doe like her eyes went and the soft gasp that came from her lips.



Giana sat up and kissed me dirty, passionately and then got up to change. A pout formed on my face but I too got out of bed. It was time for breakfast anyway and she was right that we had time.

She pulled on a pair of jean shorts, a dark blue tank top with a quote from the movie The Fault in Our Stars on it and a pair of blue converse. Then I watched entranced as she ran her fingers through her hair and essentially weaved a masterpiece in the form of a mermaid braid. If you haven't seen that style, it was quite a sight to behold indeed.

I had taken to staring for so long that I had to rush to get dressed so that I'd be able to walk out with her, not that I believed she would leave without me. I myself pulled on a pair of black shorts, a light blue fitted t-shirt and a pair of white tennis shoes. It seemed that the two of us really were all about the color blue, at least when we weren't stanning crimson with our blushing.

 It seemed that the two of us really were all about the color blue, at least when we weren't stanning crimson with our blushing

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