Toxic: Chapter #58 | Hell Week

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Zach's Past

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The first week in May brought with it our favorite week of the year and I filled that statement with so much sarcasm it was dripping. The first week in May of 2021 was what we would fondly refer to as Hell Week. If you aren't aware of what that is then...lucky you. Indeed you should very much consider yourself lucky because it was essentially the week in which we took our finals for our various classes and you may think that shouldn't have been such a big deal because we had tests in December but midterms have never been the same as finals and so you'd be wrong, unless of course you know all about Hell Week from experience in which case I empathize most ardently.

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We all took our finals at various times and for the most part we were all confident in our ability to do well on them. My friends, Giana and I had gotten together to study the night before and then made sure to get plenty of rest and have a hearty breakfast before diving into a day of exams. I felt pretty good about mine and it was a welcome relief. After all, that hadn't been the case last year and I didn't remember actually completing my finals last year, though when I expressed that, Giana was quick to inform me that I had done so right before...the alcohol and pill bottle. I guess I had that to thank Past Zach for at least.

Anyways, Giana was so excited to do her finals though I'll never understand the excitement but to each their own. It was kind of amusing to see her so enthused and we actually talked more about her ADHD that night as well. I loved learning more about the woman I was to marry and when I still accepted her, ADHD and all, I got lots and lots of kisses.

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When we got grades back for our finals, I received a 98% in Chemistry, a 100% in Ordinary Differential Equations, and I also successfully obtained my CPR & First Aid recertification.

Giana received a 100% in Film Appreciation & History, a 98% in Advanced Acting, a 99% in Oral Interpretation, and a 97% in Sociology. I was so proud of both of us and when she came out of Broadway Hall with her final grade in hand, I picked her up, spun her around and kissed her senseless.

Our friend group excelled in their classes, and I was over the moon, proud of The Fine Nine. With Hell Week finally, blessedly over and done with, we all decided, unanimously, to go out into the city and participate in as many activities as possible to destress. That weekend was a blast.

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The first activity took place on Friday night. We decided to go out dancing and yes, we went to the place we had gone to my freshman year, the place where I had been the only single pringle but this time, I had my girl, I had my fiancé, and I couldn't stop grinning the entire evening. It was amazing and I was thrilled that I finally had my own significant other to dance with.

Giana was really good at it too and I nearly fainted when I had first caught sight of her outfit. She wore super short jean shorts, a black crop top and a maroon jacket over it. When her arms went up around my neck, I realized there were no straps. My cheeks had flushed bright red and when she asked what was wrong, I had told her nothing was wrong except I wondered about her under attire. She had giggled and whispered that it was a strapless bra and then nipped at my bottom lip before spinning away and dancing with her eyes solely on me. Oh, I was so gone on how her jean shorts hugged her hips and cute little ass just right.

She knew it too I swear because when a song came on that apparently only the girls got to dance to, I had to lean against something so as to prevent myself from falling over. I felt weak in the knees, my eyes were dark with desire, and I was breathless as I watched my girl, falling harder for her all the while.

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