Toxic: Chapter #42 | Moving In & Moving Forward

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Zach's Past

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August 30th rolled around and that was the last night I spent at home before heading back to California. I woke up earlier than I had planned and turned my head to glance at the bright red numbers on my clock. It was five in the morning, but I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Giana was sleeping peacefully next to me, and I rolled towards her, pulled her hair aside and kissed her neck gently. She let out a soft hum and nuzzled her cheek against the pillow. The sight made me smile and I carefully extracted myself from the bed, making sure to tuck the blankets back in around her. I slipped out of my bedroom and padded down the hallway towards the kitchen.

The house was silent as I fixed myself some tea but unlike most days where the silence felt suffocating, that day I felt content, and my chest wasn't even a little bit tight. I took a seat at the counter and sipped the hot tea, allowing my mind to wander to our trip that we'd be leaving for in a few hours.

Time seemed to fly by, and I was content to let it. Around seven, two hours after I woke up, I rinsed out my mug and headed to the bathroom to get a shower taken before Giana woke up. The alarm went off and seven thirty and I heard her getting out of bed just as I finished getting dressed.

"Morning, Zach," she said, and I smiled at how soft she looked right after waking up.

"Morning, Gi." She hummed softly and accepted a kiss on her cheek as we traded places so she could shower, and I could make sure we didn't forget to pack anything.

By eight thirty the house had come alive, and Giana and I moved in sync around the kitchen preparing breakfast while Alec, Noah and my parents talked about their plans for the day. I could see that something was up with Alec, but I knew he'd tell me if he needed me for anything.

After breakfast, Giana and I loaded up both of our cars and were set to drive to California back to school. The university was willing to let her move in early as well thanks to a bit of help from my parents. It was still mortifying to me that they now knew what Jayden had done and yet, the pictures weren't the worst of it. Still, I was grateful that they were so adamant about the restraining order and contacting the university about accommodations. I didn't know what I would have done if Giana hadn't been able to move in when I did.

I couldn't help yawning as the two of us stood there by my car hand in hand. I was definitely going to need a nap but that would have to wait. "I wish we could drive together," I said after my jaw cracking yawn.

Giana smiled at me and sighed softly. "I know but we'll be at the halfway mark before you know it."

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I was nervous about driving separately but it didn't make sense to not take both of the vehicles. Still, I didn't like being separated from Giana for really any length of time. She was my anchor, the only thing that kept me grounded, that kept me from drowning or drifting. However, I wasn't a little kid and even though it was perfectly understandable my not wanting to be apart from her, it wouldn't be possible to keep up once classes started. Logically, I knew it wasn't healthy to necessarily be joined at the hip. "I know. I'm just nervous."

She kissed me gently and met my gaze with a serious but understanding look on her face. "I know. That's why when we get to the hotel halfway, I'll have all the cuddles and love waiting for you."

We kissed once more and then pulled apart to say our goodbyes. Giana was pulled into a tight hug by my mom first and then my dad before each of my siblings hugged her. The hugs between my girlfriend and my family warmed my heart. I loved that they all seemed to love her and who could blame them or me really for loving Giana?

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