Toxic: Chapter #9 | Heart of Clubs

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Zach's Past

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Well after making that promise to myself I turned my attention to the first day of classes which was drawing closer. I was excited but definitely nervous because I wanted to succeed at school. I wanted to show them that although I was on scholarship for cheerleading I was also smart and they made the right decision in giving me a spot at this school.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I had English Composition One at 8 am and then Human Anatomy and Physiology at 11 am.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I had World History at 11 am and College Calculus at 1 pm.

I'm sure from what I've previously stated that you already know which class I was most excited about. My college calculus classroom was one of the other places I felt in my element. I absolutely adored math and I was able to relax there.

Now that classes had started, I found myself with a small dilemma. You see classes were over for me by 1 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and by 3 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I had cheerleading practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 pm to 7:30 pm and aside from that, I was free. This presented a problem because what was I supposed to do with all that free time that wasn't occupied with my running and homework?

The third week of classes the answer to that question came in the form of flyers plastered all over campus about the Club Fair. Apparently, all the clubs on campus would have a booth that you could go to and learn about each one. So, I talked to Ad, Abby, and Addie we all made plans to go.

When we got to the Student Recreation Center where the fair was being held, I felt like I might be sick with how many people there were. I'm not someone who is naturally shy, but I found myself very nervous. Ad, Abby, and Addie walked further inside while I stood frozen in the doorway debating just going back to the dorm.

As I was about to turn and leave, I felt a hand gently placed on my shoulder. "Come on Zach. You can walk with me."

I looked at Addie and smiled appreciatively, "Thanks, Addie."

She smiled and led me inside as we began to walk around looking at the various booths.

Shortly after we started walking around a colorful booth caught my eye and I went over to it. It was the Theater Club which I'll be honest wasn't something I'd ever done before but my favorite book is Romeo and Juliet.

The two people at the booth smiled at me the girl being the first to speak, "Hey there."

I nodded feeling my shyness just under the surface. "Hi."

The guy was next to speak, "I'm Charlie and this is my girlfriend, Viola. Who would you be?"

I smiled because for some reason I felt comfortable. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Zach."

Charlie smiled. "Nice to meet you as well. Have you ever been in theater before?"

I shook my head. "No. I've wanted to but just never got the courage to do so. My favorite play..." I trailed off a bit embarrassed until Viola smiled at me.

"What is your favorite play, Zach?"

My voice came out soft as I said, "Romeo and Juliet."

At my admission, Charlie and Viola's faces lit up and we spent the next half hour discussing it. By the time I left the booth, I had acquired a list of productions, audition times, new club member information as well as both Charlie and Viola's numbers.

I didn't expect to find another club to join simply because I was so thrilled to have been so accepted into the theater club.

I did see another club that made me pause once again drawn in by the colors. I walked slowly over to it seeing a couple of flags in a cup on the table and I don't know why but I found myself drawn to the pink, purple and blue one.

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