Toxic: Chapter #45 | Jayd-Ends

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Zach's Past

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🚩 Warning: 🚩

This chapter contains discussion of a character death, past torture and abuse, cussing and dissociation episodes. Take care!!

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The following morning, I awoke before the sun at the sound of my alarm. I had decided to start running again but because it was the middle of winter, I decided it was better to do the running on our inside track. I was up, showered and dressed before Giana so much as stirred. I downed a cup of tea, the caffeine of coffee unnecessary and unwanted so early. Then by the time I was finished with the tea, Giana was up and spared me a kiss before heading to her dorm.

Giana had to go see her mom and so I told her we could meet up for hot chocolate after if she wanted. The offer was received with an excited resounding—"Hell yes!"

I let out a hearty laugh and bid her farewell until later as I set off on my morning run. The sun was just coming up and I greedily inhaled the fresh, cool and crisp air. It felt good to be outside before anyone else and to see the world still sleeping while my feet pounded the pavement on my way to the field house.

As I ran, my head and heart cleared, and this allowed my mind to wander to the plan I had for the first few days of December. Giana and I had decided to spend Thanksgiving with her mom and then go home to see my family for Christmas.

It worked out perfectly for me either way, but worked out especially well considering I had something to ask her mother. I realized pretty quickly that my mind had wandered enough for me to run around the track ten times and an hour had quickly passed. I was surprised at how fast the time had flown and wondered if my enjoyment of running truly fit the phrase, time flies when having fun. Either way, I needed to head back if I was to get in another shower before meeting up with Giana for that hot chocolate.

Ten laps were more than enough for me, and I had a smile on my face as I went back downstairs to grab my things from the bench. I inhaled and grimaced at the scent of sweat that had built up. Yes, I definitely needed a shower, but I felt amazing, and I left the building more myself. I also felt more like Zach Anderson after a run but I'm not sure how to explain what I mean by that.

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I had intended to go straight to the dorm and shower but found myself wandering by the campus library. I was debating going in just for a few minutes but hesitated. I was startled when someone ran up to me, seemingly out of breath. I didn't recognize the guy, but he seemed to know who I was. "Zach? You're Zach, right?" the guy said, panting out of breath.

"Yes," I said with a nod. "That's me."

"Zach Anderson?" he asked, emphasizing the last name as though that made a difference between me and some other Zach.

Again, I nodded and cleared my throat. "Yes. Who are you?"

The guy stood straight and offered his hand for me to shake. "Asher. My name is Asher."

I shook his hand, shifting my bag to my other shoulder but froze at his next words.

"I'm a friend of Jayden's."

"Oh," I said softly and wondered if he had been one of the guys at that party. "Well, I'd better be going now."

He let go of my hand but stepped forward to place a hand on my shoulder. "I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss."

My brow furrowed in confusion. "My loss?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"What are you talking about?"

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