Toxic: Chapter #39 | Safe In Trusting You

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Zach's Past

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I was so beyond grateful to Giana for the fluffy love and care she provided while Nadia altered the tattoo. I felt so safe and for me when someone can make me feel safe in a situation when I would normally be petrified or terrified, they are someone I would trust with my life.

Now that Giana had done that for me, I found myself wanting to do that for her, but I wasn't sure when an opportunity would present itself. I also knew that other than with my brother Alec, I hadn't been someone that people went to for advice or help or bolstering. It wasn't that I couldn't be that person for others. I just...No one needed me to be.

Anyway, I didn't want Giana to be in a situation where she didn't feel safe just so I could make her feel safe. Anyone who did, or if I did, wouldn't deserve her and would be lying if they said they loved her. I know that often times we hurt the people we love the most because we believe they'll always be there but it's a fucked up mentality in my opinion.

As I was saying, if such a time came, I knew I wanted to be the one to make her feel as safe as she had made me feel.

My opportunity came sooner than I had expected when Giana's phone rang as we were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. I noticed her body tense slightly at the ringing sound that seemed to echo in the living room. At the time I wanted to chuckle at hearing the Imperial March from Star Wars, but knowing what I know now, it wasn't funny.

I paused the movie as Giana sat up and grabbed her phone off of the coffee table. She took a deep breath and answered it. "Hey, Daddy."

My eyes widened slightly at the address. Up to that point I had never heard much about her dad. Of course, I knew she had one and she had briefly talked about her mother, but her father was this ominous unknown that I was extremely hesitant to bring up. It was a gut level feeling that kept me from asking. It didn't stop me from wanting to know as I wanted to know everything about the woman, I loved but just like things with Jayden were hard to talk about without wanting to throw up, Giana seemed to turn a bit green when the topic of fathers came up, though she seemed to enjoy the presence of mine.

As far as what I did know about her family, I knew her parents weren't together anymore but that was about it. Sure, I had opened up to Giana a lot about my own family and they had welcomed her with open arms but not all families were like that.

Her face was unreadable at first as her father spoke, but I could tell she wasn't close with him and that she didn't want to be talking to him. The need to comfort her grew stronger and I took her hand in mine. I pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand and then intertwined our fingers just to help reassure her. The tension seemed to seep out of her, and she sounded stronger when she spoke again. "N-No I didn't forget. I just..." she trailed off as he spoke again. I found it hard not to get annoyed that he seemed to cut her off.

"Okay. Yes, I forgot."

I tilted my head in confusion as a knot formed in my stomach. Was it possible that Giana had been planning to do something but hadn't because of me? I quickly averted my gaze back at the tv as that thought began to swirl in my mind, but I also didn't want to eavesdrop.

As if she could read my mind, Giana squeezed my hand tightly. I relaxed and tried not to make assumptions. Another squeeze caused me to look at her and I found her eyes searching my face. "I know I promised. I'll be there. Mhmm."

My brow quirked up in question as I mouthed, 'Everything okay?'

Giana squeezed my hand and gave me a tight nod accompanied by a smile that was more of a grimace. "Yes, Daddy. I have the tickets. I know. Okay. Yep. See you this weekend." She then hung up and I could see her whole body deflate, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

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