Toxic: Chapter #67 | Live & Learn

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Zach's Past

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With everything packed and ready to go, Giana and I arrived back on campus around four in the afternoon on the 21st of August, both of us in awe of the building we were parked in front of. I couldn't tear my eyes away, both shocked and overwhelmed. I reached into the backseat to check the information, certain this was a mistake, but it was right there in black and white. Montague Building. "Holy shit. This place is gorgeous."

Giana nodded, also in awe of it. "Absolutely gorgeous."

Both of our faces lit up when we caught sight of two familiar faces as Adam and Abby ran across the grounds towards us. Immediately, both of us were out of our car and running towards them, trying to meet them halfway. My arms wrapped around Adam right as Giana's wrapped around Abby and we held them tightly. Damn. I hadn't realized I missed them so much, especially Adam. They hugged us back just as tight.

Adam's grin was just as big and bright as ever. "I'm so glad you're here!"

I chuckled, my embrace tightening. "Me too. I can't believe that you beat us here every year."

He pulled from the hug and shrugged one shoulder. "Guess I wanted to see you more than you wanted to see me."

My hand went to my chest as though he wounded me, and I feigned offense. "Dude, I was on my honeymoon."

Abby and Giana hugged tightly as Abby whispered softly, "I missed you like a whole heck of a lot, Gi."

Giana's grin was bright, almost as bright as Adam's. "I missed you too."

Adam pouted, his arms crossing, making our girls giggle. "I see how it is then. Wife over roommate then?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Always."

Giana and Abby pulled from their hug and walked over to us, shaking their heads. Adam and I looked at them grinning to which we received matching grins. This was already shaping up to be the best start of what I hoped would be an even better year.

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Ad and Abby helped us move our things into our new dormitory, something we insisted they didn't need to do, but they insisted they wanted to do. So, we let them and focused on the sight of our new living arrangements. Let me just say that it was even more gorgeous on the inside. I had assumed we'd be living in a similar floor plan to our previous dorm, but I was wrong.

When Ad unlocked our door, we found ourselves walking into a foyer type room that had hooks for coats, two doors, one on either side of the room both with a doormat in front of them, and then there was a large bay window that overlooked the campus grounds.

To our left was one dorm suite and it belonged to Adam and Abby. Then to our right was the door to another dorm suite and it belonged to Giana and me. That was where we went first and the dorm was exquisite, causing my mouth to drop open in what I was sure was a very unattractive gape.

Imagine a penthouse type of set up and that was pretty much what we had, only it wasn't in the penthouse. "Holy mother of mayonnaise!"

Giana was in a similar state of shock and awe, but she said barely a word as we walked around and took our time investigating everything. We started by marveling at the queen sized bed and I noticed Giana smirking at me once she saw it, making me blush and give a smirk of my own. We would definitely be making use of that.

Ad and Abby noticed, both of them grinning. God, I had missed their smiling faces. "Aren't they just making us feel like royalty?" Adam asked.

I nodded, feeling like a king in his castle. "They really are. I'm overwhelmed. Wait. So, this is all ours and then you two are across the foyer room with the same thing?"

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